the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8325360 493522 are you sure? because I feel kinda….sick. Deeply distressed As I see it, yes
8325359 493522 yes or no...will I take my own life? because of this? My sources say no
8325358 209214 Is he coming home Yes - definitely
8325357 493522 am I going to die from suicide? Count on it
8325356 493522 is this the worst thing..that will happen in 2019 in my life? As I see it, yes
8325355 635273 Will ssswearbear answer my questions Not in a million years
8325353 635273 Will ssswearbear ignore my questions Outlook good
8325352 635273 Will ssswearbear ignore my questions Concentrate and ask again
8325351 493522 am I capable of suicide? Outlook not so good
8325350 493522 am I suicidal? It is certain
8325349 595976 do erkia cur bout meh Outlook not so good
8325348 493522 are you serious/ he would let me go? if I truly wanted to die. He would let me decide to go? and let go? Yes
8325347 493522 he let dean die. would he let me die? Most likely
8325346 493522 would he let me die? Outlook not so good
8325345 493522 Dean was my go to guy. and now...he's gone. I am sooo hurt. I feel sooo lost. without him Yes - definitely
8325344 493522 I think I could sleep a million years. I feel sooo dead and weary Signs point to yes
8325343 493522 I don't know...why this happened. It is certain
8325342 493522 I guess...its hitting me. he's gone. and he isn't coming back As I see it, yes
8325341 493522 and then..he drowned It is decidedly so
8325340 493522 I was told...he broke his ankle...and pelvis. and shoulder. how? it just...cant' be real Yes
8325339 493522 I don't have a lot of people..i trust. I just don't. As I see it, yes
8325338 493522 i'm just...weary Count on it
8325337 493522 I can't cry. Can't afford to. If I start...i'll never stop. I need to be strong. As I see it, yes
8325336 493522 I just think..if I could cry..i would ….my heart hurts sooo much right now My reply is no
8325335 493522 I shouldn't be alive. I have nothing...truly...worth living for anymore. I feel sooo empty..and dead inside. Very doubtful
8325334 493522 so..its okay. I sometimes thing...I should take the place of a mother. that is dying of cancer. And wants life. I should ...go in her place. SHE should live. It is certain
8325333 493522 truly...its okay if I die. I never kids. one depends on me. I can go Signs point to yes
8325332 493522 I don't know if I will survive this. I think i'm gonna end up dead to. Most likely
8325331 493522 I will do escape him. That control freak. Him. He's a monster. I am kinda tired. I need a break. Count on it
8325330 493522 the voice in my head. I am wondering if its...a microchip...or...just illness. I just don't know anymore. Yes
8325329 493522 sometimes..i think i'm gonna die. I just do Signs point to yes
8325328 493522 I don't think...i'm gonna survive much more. I don't. Outlook not so good
8325327 493522 I miss Dean. I just feel...sooo lost. I do. I want to die to now. My life has been shattered...over and over and over. i'm kinda tired right now. I need a break. NO!
8325326 493522 I don't want to live anymore. I just don't Most likely
8325325 493522 I just...don't feel good. I am very sad Yes
8325324 493522 i'm very sleepy Not in a million years
8325323 493522 he can't be gone. He cant' be Reply hazy, try again
8325322 493522 he faked his death? Very doubtful
8325321 493522 is Dean still alive? just tell me Most likely
8325320 493522 was the police...lying? My sources say no
8325318 493522 will my fear and anxiety..and paranoia...ever subside? Ask again later
8325317 493522 I don't know how to with this Better not tell you now
8325316 493522 its heartbreaking It is certain
8325315 493522 he really died. I just cant' believe it Not in a million years
8325314 493522 I feel sooo exhausted Without a doubt
8325313 493522 I dont' know..what TO DO. How to deal with this Without a doubt
8325312 243174 Am I pregnant? As I see it, yes
8325311 493522 it just cant' be real. Yes
8325310 493522 Dean died. He really died As I see it, yes
8325309 493522 i'm drained As I see it, yes