the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8431399 980026 jsfkdjkjfskl sfjklsjlkfskl fsjkdlfjlksk sjlkjsjsk? NO!
8431398 980026 sfhkjdshkfjs hfdskjhkj dsfhksjhkds dshfkjkjsdkj? It is certain
8431397 34483 My face was soaking wet with tears as I was sick. Signs point to yes
8431396 980026 Will it (slowly) happen one at a time? Outlook good
8431395 34483 I did clean up most of the vomit in the bathroom , I won't embarrass myself Yes - definitely
8431394 34483 I did clean up most of the vomit in the bathroom , I won't embarrass myself Without a doubt
8431393 980026 By tomorrow will they know about it? NO!
8431392 34483 It's no game , getting sick and unable to stop crying as you vomit Very doubtful
8431391 34483 It's no game , getting sick and unable to stop crying as you vomit Cannot predict now
8431390 980026 Is he the only one that noticed? Yes
8431389 34483 I told no one , I just kept quiet and called my doctor Not in a million years
8431388 34483 I told no one , I just kept quiet and called my doctor Not in a million years
8431387 34483 I was very ill a few hours ago. Without a doubt
8431386 980026 Does he understand me the way I think? Most likely
8431385 34483 I went shopping then got home and ran to the bathroom where I was very sick...and crying no one knows Not in a million years
8431384 34483 I went shopping then got home and ran to the bathroom where I was very sick...and crying no one knows My reply is no
8431383 980026 Is it real? Not in a million years
8431382 34483 It's horrible I actually cried as i was vomiting early on. Thank God I was alone ! Not in a million years
8431381 34483 It's horrible I actually cried as i was vomiting early on. Thank God I was alone ! Better not tell you now
8431380 980026 Is it real? Cannot predict now
8431379 980026 Does he understand that? Yes - definitely
8431378 34483 It's runny nose dripping and vomiting and crying Yes
8431377 34483 It's runny nose dripping and vomiting and crying Without a doubt
8431376 980026 Is he the one that understands me? Count on it
8431375 390987 Leaves me alone jamai omw, disconnected my facebook NO!
8431374 34483 The only time I cry is when i vomit , As I see it, yes
8431373 980026 has he noticed yet? Count on it
8431372 390987 Leaves me alone jamai omw Yes - definitely
8431371 980026 Have my friends noticed? My reply is no
8431370 843070 as a jew do you cry in life Signs point to yes
8431369 374796 Omw, certain friends check me, topa, joj and fabio, don't lose me Outlook good
8431368 374796 Omw, certain friends check me, topa, joj and fabio As I see it, yes
8431367 374796 Omw, certain friends check me Count on it
8431366 374796 Omw, certain ones check me, lying Reply hazy, try again
8431365 374796 Omw, every ones check me, lying Very doubtful
8431364 374796 Omw, every ones check me Very doubtful
8431363 209233 Omw fmily non-working people My reply is no
8431362 209233 Fabio wal sneaky Most likely
8431361 243782 Jami omw not allowed my house, don't trust him, be gone My reply is no
8431360 380458 Jami omw not allowed my house, don't trust him Most likely
8431359 39629 Omw not allowed my house As I see it, yes
8431358 843070 hot blonde Miss South Dakota Yes
8431357 843070 okay, hanga booguh helper Most likely
8431356 843070 damm bwoah My reply is no
8431355 843070 dammm boy My sources say no
8431354 843070 don mousel's mexican nephew Concentrate and ask again
8431353 843070 ugly little c o c k s u k k e r Better not tell you now
8431352 843070 sad ugly little loser It is certain
8431351 843070 uhhh okay? then, in a few , we'll head on over to Kherson Girls and use the white women from Ukraine in a last person on planet earth scenario to make fun of an ugly little mexican As I see it, yes
8431350 843070 uhhh but that's your boy you said Signs point to yes