the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8431617 990296 Will this deal die today Cannot predict now
8431616 990296 Will this deal die today Reply hazy, try again
8431615 990296 Will this get me fired Count on it
8431614 990296 Will we be able to lease it to someone else NO!
8431613 990296 Will we get sued Without a doubt
8431612 990296 Will it die today It is decidedly so
8431611 990296 Do I want it to be done It is certain
8431610 990296 Do I want it to be done Concentrate and ask again
8431609 990296 Do I want it to be done Reply hazy, try again
8431608 990296 Will this deal be done today Not in a million years
8431607 990296 Will I get fired Without a doubt
8431606 990296 Will we end up stuck Outlook good
8431605 990296 Will deal die today Not in a million years
8431604 990296 Will broker be pushy Not in a million years
8431603 990296 Will Vitali approve Very doubtful
8431602 990296 Will Vitali want it Ask again later
8431601 990296 Will this deal die today My reply is no
8431600 184665 Will God mercifully surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of tonight’s entire Mega Millions Jackpot? As I see it, yes
8431599 34483 i can even date? Not in a million years
8431598 34483 will he truly...step away...and let me go? and move on? Signs point to yes
8431597 34483 m8? he has to let me go. its time. Most likely
8431596 34483 I know...he is sorry. ..I'm sorry to. but i'm trying to move on. Please let me Not in a million years
8431595 34483 my life is just now...finally healing. ...I know where i'm going...and how to get there. i just do. My reply is no
8431594 34483 so. Why now? ...why has the main guy come back? ...why? Not in a million years
8431593 34483 but then. They left me to die. Not ONE...stayed. ...they all left. Yes
8431592 34483 i cant' keep track of them all. There were a lot. That had a crush on me. As I see it, yes
8431591 34483 there were sooo many of them...20 yrs ago. that liked me. or so i thought. but i was wrong Not in a million years
8431590 34483 is he the angel? ...just tell me now Reply hazy, try again
8431589 34483 no? are you serious?? Ask again later
8431588 34483 yes or no. Does he feel...its GOD? that wants him to be with me? My reply is no
8431587 34483 let me ask you. Does he truly believe...GOD wants him wtih me/ Concentrate and ask again
8431586 34483 I'm not bad. bed. But i'm NOT teh best. so..why me/ Very doubtful
8431585 34483 what if he doesn't?? Most likely
8431584 34483 ok. i'll fuk him. ...then? he will LET ME GO? Most likely
8431583 34483 does he want...s e x...from me? It is certain
8431582 34483 what does he want? a B j? Outlook not so good
8431581 34483 can you let me go? ..can he? My sources say no
8431580 34483 I'm not asking...for s e x. just to date again. treated like a lady. Come on Without a doubt
8431579 34483 Please m8. let me go. just a littlle? Reply hazy, try again
8431578 34483 I don't hate him. ...(don't tell him that) but i ..want to date. and see...others. I never got my chance. My sources say no
8431577 34483 i lost everything. ...but i think...i might regain some of the lost a new beginning. Count on it
8431576 34483 i just want to be...independent. Just so i can say..."hey..i did it" Not in a million years
8431575 34483 i can forgive him. ...but...I want to ...go on. Be my own person. Be healthy...and pretty...and...sucessful. Concentrate and ask again
8431574 34483 There is a world out there...i want to explore. Dreams and Goals to achieve. Just for me. ...its something i have to do. Yes
8431573 34483 I'm sorry. But i hope he can forgive me...for moving on. and learn ot be happy...when i do succeed. Most likely
8431572 34483 he is divorced. nothing can change that. I don't date divorced men. Yes - definitely
8431571 34483 I would love to believe his pretty words. ...but...i don't. As I see it, yes
8431570 34483 i just want to be free of him. Maybe in a different lifetime...things would have been different. But they arent. Outlook not so good
8431569 34483 i don't hate him. I just ...want to be set free. Most likely
8431568 34483 its 2:10 am. its late. I should be sleeping Outlook good