the Magic

anyway, it's for now

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8247201 665452 anyway, it's for now Outlook not so good
8247200 665452 we'll buy resort sheets pillows and cover for yours Yes
8247199 665452 my sleeping bag is like a tent and it keeps me warm Outlook not so good
8247198 665452 I use a memory foam mattress... covered with a sport fabric nike blanket Yes - definitely
8247197 665452 anyway, the weather is cold and snowy rainy My reply is no
8247196 665452 I have to reconnect with my babes Count on it
8247195 665452 I use her to keep your loser away... her energy is clean Yes - definitely
8247193 665452 there's Lucy and my Bee my honey hot chicks Cannot predict now
8247192 665452 shot out to my house of hot chicks Concentrate and ask again
8247191 293092 Should I go to casino Very doubtful
8247189 339178 am I dumb as hell and have no redeeming qualities? Yes - definitely
8247188 7184 is pf really going to contact me sometime today d6 Ask again later
8247187 432874 will pf contact me sometime today d6 Concentrate and ask again
8247184 713744 Does she Outlook good
8247182 665481 Will I get good news from the social security judges before Christmas? It is decidedly so
8247181 665481 Will my surgery go well tomorrow? Signs point to yes
8247179 665452 you can't attract MY hot chicks for example My sources say no
8247178 665452 my standards are higher than yours Reply hazy, try again
8247174 665452 I'm finished with this one Count on it
8247173 665452 I'm going to Las Vegas Yes
8247172 435784 Am I going to work as a teacher next year? It is certain
8247169 713750 Jon wife miserable lying My sources say no
8247168 713750 Jon wife miserable Concentrate and ask again
8247163 441873 Is there a retarded tuba named greg Yes - definitely
8247161 441873 In the morning? NO!
8247156 722586 should i get a google pixel smartphone Without a doubt
8247155 722586 should i switch to an android device Without a doubt
8247154 944298 Do we have little nails? Not in a million years
8247153 26229 Da li sam prošla nemu kartu It is decidedly so
8247152 26229 Da li sam prošla meni kartu Count on it
8247151 405027 Will the car deal work out Signs point to yes
8247150 405027 Will rob see his money soon It is decidedly so
8247148 405027 Will we get to move to Perry park Signs point to yes
8247147 914345 Omawall working today tells truth Yes
8247146 50018 Get the items done Reply hazy, try again
8247145 1006759 I am gona entre in Harvard or a hood universyty Very doubtful
8247144 618302 Am I t’he perfect girl for Ros Linch Yes - definitely
8247143 387048 Steve Smith sick, no insurance As I see it, yes
8247142 387048 Steve Smith sick Signs point to yes
8247141 387048 Steve Smith dadnow Concentrate and ask again
8247140 387048 Steve Smith crying now Not in a million years
8247139 387048 Steve Smith street Reply hazy, try again
8247138 387048 Steve Smith home now lying Count on it
8247137 387048 Rhonda asked me Omawall Count on it
8247136 387048 Job opens now Signs point to yes
8247135 505475 Should i have told the forum im bi? Not in a million years
8247133 387048 Rhonda doesn't make alot make Very doubtful
8247132 518940 Will Erin get a great job offer soon? Without a doubt
8247131 387048 Elieen under control members church As I see it, yes
8247130 166305 Will s b o k t w g t? My sources say no