the Magic

can i have three numbers for lunchtime today

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8267680 246823 can i have three numbers for lunchtime today Yes
8267679 246823 which single number is going to come on lunchtime draw today Signs point to yes
8267676 246823 is yellow coulor going to be bonus today on uk lunchtime My reply is no
8267675 246823 uk lunch prediction Count on it
8267674 246823 lunchtime bonus number for today Outlook good
8267649 441782 Will I win at bingo tonight Concentrate and ask again
8265901 349202 What's the bonus number for today lunchtime uk49 Yes
8265754 677181 Will God finally please bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight? Yes
8265427 73962 Give two numbers for lunchtime Cannot predict now
8264719 725700 will 30 play on uk 49s lunchtime today Reply hazy, try again
8264710 521993 purple coulor will be bonus at uk49 lunchtime draw Most likely
8264700 521993 is bonus ball coulor purple for lunchtime today Ask again later
8264697 521993 will brown coulor be bonus at uk49s teatime today Very doubtful
8264696 724822 Tomorrow the app of boa will work for me Very doubtful
8264678 37700 Will t b b f u? Cannot predict now
8264654 147348 Alfreda Mosley, not earth long Without a doubt
8264651 147348 Alfreda Mosley, tired Alfreda attitudes towards me tells truth, fall out house, cried It is certain
8264281 18957 Alfreda Mosley t Yesterday wasn't good Most likely
8264222 148636 will 5 be today's bonus ball on uk 49s lun htime My reply is no
8262288 330320 Does Mistress enjoy punishing me Signs point to yes
8261954 506963 Temple hospital dr.smith good doctor yes or no, was likes me certain Yes
8261847 757187 Send haks My reply is no
8261722 641887 Will duji ever show her boobs on rmg Yes - definitely
8260391 106186 Will 26 show at uk lunchtime today It is certain
8260330 106186 Which are Russian gosloto numbers for this morning? Yes - definitely
8259254 191979 Will God bless me to be the sole winner of tonight’s entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight? Yes - definitely
8259087 677181 Will God bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight? Yes
8258824 426642 Da li cu položiti sutra ispit Count on it
8258088 677181 Will God bless me to be the sole winner of tonight’s entire Powerball Jackpot or not? Yes
8258026 878576 is it true that green colour is today as a bonus ball in lunchtime Yes
8257697 284055 Is dh absolutely miserable with kh? Better not tell you now
8255423 677181 Now will God surprise and bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight? Yes - definitely
8255197 167026 Does he think im ugly Very doubtful
8255091 915650 Does aaliyah Carter want Quatrell Shedd back Concentrate and ask again
8254616 10040 Will God surprise and bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tomorrow night? Yes - definitely
8254042 1003297 is bonus for teatime 34 Without a doubt
8254039 1003297 is lunchtime bonus for today 13 Signs point to yes
8252412 524622 Steve Smith miserably now, Yes - definitely
8252043 222407 Alfreda Mosley scared, up why me nasty absolutely It is certain
8251756 87796 Is it okay for a 22 year old woman to be in a relationship with a 35 year old man? It is decidedly so
8250408 911036 Is the Magic Eight Ball reliable? Very doubtful
8249749 999509 Lunch bonus for today is what? Concentrate and ask again
8249272 890087 Will God bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight? Yes
8249218 836216 Will I get email from Bridgett newson before the end of this yearx My reply is no
8248732 1009004 Alfreda Mosley not sleeping definitely no, crying As I see it, yes
8248729 1009004 Alfreda Mosley not sleeping yes or no Very doubtful
8248364 418244 I wish God protects Maria Rafaelle Nicole Mesana Esdicul gets protected from people caling her toxic. Amen in Jesus's name. Not in a million years
8248241 291713 Oh come now...let me rub your i can make a wish. Signs point to yes
8248220 481998 taylor wheeler nudes It is decidedly so
8247494 677181 Will God surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight? Yes - definitely