the Magic

yes..i have. its NOTHING that has worked

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8303553 731736 yes..i have. its NOTHING that has worked As I see it, yes
8303552 731736 I have DYED my hair...CUT my hair...nothing has worked he's still...hateful My sources say no
8303551 731736 the torture...i'm tired. its been a battle..for YEARS...I just want him out. to get away from me. Ask again later
8303549 731736 I have tried..everything….to be set free I dyed my hair...blonde. Red. Dark. ..nothing has.worked I don't know why My reply is no
8303548 731736 I guess...L U S ...weird. I always thought...blondes...would be the first pick. So..why haven't..i been be on my own? Why ? Not in a million years
8303546 731736 Most blondes? are it for the attention they get. They WANT to be...seen. Its ...a crazy twist...yet...they are COMPLETELELY forgotten...when a dark haired girl...with a pony tail...walks by. Yes
8303545 731736 Men say...they "LOVE" blondes. soo...why is it...a dark haired noticed...sometimes...when she is trying to HIDE? NO!
8303544 731736 the funny thing...the BLONDES...most? are SEEKING to be the center of attention. So...why is it...the...dark haired girls...trying to hide...get seen? As I see it, yes
8303543 731736 its true. its NEVER...a cute...pretty blonde. its rare. oh its happened. but...its RARE. As I see it, yes
8303542 731736 I don't know why...color is sooo….powerful in men. ….Dark colors...inspire rage. Cannot predict now
8303541 731736 not the blonde pony tails NEVER. its the dark haired girls...that get targeted. Very doubtful
8303540 731736 and..its the dark haired...pony tails. I just...don't know why. I don't know WHY. them. Reply hazy, try again
8303538 731736 yeah. and you know i'm right. Look at the missing persons...web site. Br real. Reply hazy, try again
8303537 731736 Yes. I used to think...being dark haired...would offer No. Not so. I inspire go ballistic. Rape. Torture. you show me ONE woman...that can EQUAL me...a blonde. and i'll ….cook you a steak. My sources say no
8303536 731736 there is no true statistics. Look all the Jane Does...and missing. VERY you find a the mix. My reply is no
8303535 731736 more women..dye their hair blonde. So..why is it...its the DARK haired girls...raped and strangled. Why? Not a blonde. Just...curious. Reply hazy, try again
8303534 731736 funny...i'm not blonde. And...I have YET to see ONE a man to be completely insane. They don't. Because...they don't INSPIRE...such...depth. Men? to FEEL that fire..or passion...rarely feel it...for blondes. They don't. My sources say no
8303533 731736 its just...funny. How some guys...can't "see" love. ….they see...a shallowness but not love. I hear a man say once...he fell in LOVE..with ONLY blonde haired women. Oh...that's plural. As buffet style. I guess for some is. Kinda like Divorce lawyers. Very doubtful
8303532 731736 some men...base EVERYTHING...on "looks" when they themselves..are NOT a stud. Average guys. Nothing special about them. Ask again later
8303531 731736 what happened to that ….PRETTY BLOND HAIR? ….when cancer will hit? its gone. Kinda like a dead child. Ask again later
8303530 731736 Yes. she is a cheat. but I can understand. some guys? deserve it. They do Not in a million years
8303529 731736 my sis...could never make a relationship work. Never could. She cheated on EACH and every guy..she was ever with. Nary a ONE...was she faithful to. My sources say no
8303528 731736 my brother...had it easy. Girls liked him Very doubtful
8303527 731736 I wonder what made us girls...feel so unloved? Yes - definitely
8303526 731736 the saddest thing. my sis...Is as starved for love as me. Only...she will do stupid things. Things I wont Very doubtful
8303525 731736 I always dreamed of heroes...and fairytales. ...but they are fake. Count on it
8303524 731736 no one waited..and no one..."recused" me. Not ONE man...Not one Count on it
8303523 731736 I guess its just...depressing. No one waited for me Most likely
8303522 731736 don't know me. Yes - definitely
8303521 731736 I am sorry...but not desperate enough to date a man..that I truly...don't want. My sources say no
8303520 731736 its depressing I understand...mistakes. I do. BUT to not learn or accept a foolish Signs point to yes
8303519 731736 its just irriating. Loswers. Sooo many My reply is no
8303518 731736 or even better MARRIED and have yet to finalize divorce Most likely
8303517 731736 Yes they are. divorced. losers Outlook not so good
8303516 731736 ugh. i'm just not happy...the men I meet are losers My reply is no
8303515 731736 B is okay but he has a mean streak Without a doubt
8303514 731736 nah..i don't think I really want to. It is certain
8303513 731736 lol. so...tell me. should I date j? It is certain
8303512 731736 its a wonderful day. :) smile. It is decidedly so
8303511 731736 yeah...i'm just famous I get strangers even WAVING at my jeep. I just sooo famous Outlook good
8303510 731736 i'm being stalked. My sources say no
8303509 731736 i'm dead serious...JUST now..a drone flew by my window. Freak me out Yes
8303508 731736 its a wonderful day. I just saw a drone NO!
8303507 731736 awww is that a yes? you DO missed me? Signs point to yes
8303506 731736 its me. Missing me? Outlook good
8303505 1010117 okay thank you Count on it
8303504 1010117 will you be proud of me if i do it today As I see it, yes
8303503 1010117 will i get married soon My sources say no
8303502 438340 Lmao it's been nagging at me ..donuts donuts donuts It is decidedly so
8303501 438340 I'm a bad bad girl ... Outlook good