the Magic

R got the job

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8325419 129015 R got the job Better not tell you now
8325418 129015 M is happy that I called him My sources say no
8325417 960878 Steve Smith stopped parked garage Most likely
8325415 960878 Girls not parked car garage across me neighborhood now My sources say no
8325414 960878 Girlm not parked car garage across me now Concentrate and ask again
8325413 960878 Girlm noparked car garage across me now or lying Outlook good
8325412 960878 Girl parked car garage across me now or lying Outlook not so good
8325411 51010 Is Mary going to be fired? Count on it
8325410 51010 Is Ross going to be fired? It is certain
8325409 51010 Is Sharon going to be fired? Yes - definitely
8325408 960878 Girl parked car garage across me now Outlook good
8325407 51010 Are they all getting fired? Very doubtful
8325406 25443 See htmr Outlook good
8325405 25443 Is h the one ☝️ Outlook good
8325404 299270 Is this eight ball true NO!
8325403 299270 Does Olga know that I think of her Not in a million years
8325402 299270 Will Olga and I make love tomorrow night Ask again later
8325401 518940 Will Erin get the Colorado job? It is decidedly so
8325400 172420 Should I show him Signs point to yes
8325399 51010 Am I going to be told tomorrow that Mary, Ross, and Sharon are going to be fired? Outlook not so good
8325398 129015 His homeboys trying to but m with me Yes
8325397 129015 M is lieing to mr Count on it
8325396 129015 M call his homeboys As I see it, yes
8325395 129015 M getting married to s NO!
8325394 129015 His brother heard me talking Yes
8325393 129015 M is lieing about being happy with s Yes - definitely
8325392 345767 Sometimes, I do it too. I'm sorry you are going through harsh and terrible times, but please know that I believe in you. And I think you more than deserve another chance at love and happiness as well. Yes - definitely
8325391 493522 I don't know..i just know its instinctive. Not something I control its...pure instinct. Reply hazy, try again
8325390 493522 the neglected. (abused) are do that move. I see it. More times than I can count. and I it. I try to control it. But sometimes..the pain...bleeds out. and it happens again. That soothing. That rocking...back and forth...I don't know...why. or where it comes from. Very doubtful
8325389 493522 sometimes...the only a soothing rocking...back and forth. ( I've seen orphanages) behave that way. Little did I know. I would be one of them. Sad to see...i'm one of them now. Ask again later
8325388 493522 I feel sooo lost. Just sick and sad. Reply hazy, try again
8325387 493522 34? I truly am sorry. I am. I hope you find some form of healing. I do. You deserve a 2nd chance at love. and happiness. Yes
8325386 493522 34? i'm sorry. I understand. Its hell. When you wish you could die to. Its hell. It is certain
8325385 230446 Go home now Yes - definitely
8325384 345767 You still have a chance.. Don't let the b a s t a r d s grind you down Count on it
8325383 230446 Does hwtsmbdly Without a doubt
8325382 345767 I don't think I deserve to be loved by anybody Not in a million years
8325381 230446 Does hmmalt Most likely
8325380 230446 Does hmmnow My sources say no
8325379 493522 I don't know how much more...pain I can take. I am reaching the end. I just am My reply is no
8325378 345767 The only woman I loved killed herself last year and I never told her how I felt about her. I've been wondering why the hell I'm still alive when she's gone forever. I cry over her nearly every day and night Without a doubt
8325377 230446 Would haigmrdnyr As I see it, yes
8325376 230446 Go home tonight It is decidedly so
8325375 230446 Stay at work tonight Most likely
8325374 493522 everyone I love...dies. I'm tired. Of grieving. I just am My reply is no
8325373 493522 yeah I will. its the ONLY way I to go. And know...I wont survive. An OD of insulin Not in a million years
8325372 493522 I take knowing...I have a way out. (if the pain gets tooo much) I got my INSULIN. I'll use it. I VOW It. My sources say no
8325371 493522 he is gone. And I just feel...sooo ..sick at heart now. I just do. It is decidedly so
8325370 493522 yeah I know he wasn't. NO!
8325369 493522 where was God...when Dean was in pain? where? My sources say no