the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9369318 305490 Late bishop Eugene graves, Late Beverly wimbush Jamaica Omar o wallace involved with Haitian belle fanm kreyol truth, pic Jaden,absolutely really Most likely
9369317 305490 Late bishop Eugene graves, Late Beverly wimbush Jamaica Omar o wallace involved with Haitian belle fanm kreyol truth, absolutely really NO!
9369316 305490 Late bishop Eugene graves, Late Beverly wimbush Jamaica Omar o wallace involved with Haitian belle fanm kreyol truth, absolutely really Ask again later
9369315 305490 Late Beverly wimbush Jamaica Omar o wallace involved with Haitian belle fanm kreyol truth, absolutely really Signs point to yes
9369314 733585 Late Beverly wimbush, Janet mc driving home from Popeyes restaurant driving home Eileen house truth absolutely really, really. Prophet Alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries, believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved girl truth, absolutely It is certain
9369313 733585 Late Beverly wimbush, Janet mc driving home from Popeyes restaurant driving home Eileen house truth absolutely really, really. Prophet Aj Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries, believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved girl truth, absolutely Not in a million years
9369312 733585 Late Beverly wimbush, Janet mc driving home from Popeyes restaurant driving home Eileen house truth absolutely really, really Yes - definitely
9369311 733585 Late Beverly wimbush, Janet mc driving home from Popeyes restaurant driving home Eileen house truth absolutely really, Not in a million years
9369310 733585 Janet mc driving home from Popeyes restaurant driving home Eileen house truth absolutely really Most likely
9369309 306650 Should I file a leave for later? My reply is no
9369308 306650 Should i file a birthday leave for later? It is certain
9369307 11682 Marcos Granada va a aprobar el examen de historia del lunes 3 de junio Better not tell you now
9369306 306650 Should i file a leave for monday work? It is decidedly so
9369303 576267 Is Rachel gonna go to the brunch? It is certain
9369302 894148 Should I formalize my resignation now? Outlook not so good
9369301 894148 Should I send my resignation letter already? Outlook not so good
9369300 867115 Would today be long Yes
9369299 867115 Would I make money at work today Concentrate and ask again
9369298 867115 Yes or no Most likely
9369297 867115 How will today go Without a doubt
9369296 867115 Should I go to work today As I see it, yes
9369295 867115 Should I go to work Count on it
9369294 528747 Will Kareem work things out with me Outlook good
9369293 895901 am i bad at my job NO!
9369292 895901 why r they moving me My reply is no
9369291 412041 Dangerous things plots against me Wallace Jamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica latoya cortherel only rumor own life, playing no wrestling match Without a doubt
9369290 412041 Dangerous things plots against me Wallace Jamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica latoya cortherel only rumor own life Signs point to yes
9369289 412041 Dangerous things plots against me Wallace lamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica latoya cortherel only rumor own life NO!
9369288 470755 Am i gonna sell my car today ? Yes - definitely
9369287 470755 İs it gonna happen this year ? Most likely
9369286 470755 Will we be together me and N It is certain
9369282 470755 Does N love me secretly? It is decidedly so
9369279 412041 Dangerous things plots against me Wallace lamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica latoya cortherel Outlook good
9369278 470755 Will we marry each other Very doubtful
9369277 470755 Should i text her Outlook good
9369276 412041 Jamaica latoya cotherel and Jamaica Lina wallace, Jamaica Elijah Wallace wasn't able sleep well night last night truth plotting me, truth absolutely, really, food eat not good, rai and mouse and roaches apartments, truth As I see it, yes
9369275 412041 Jamaica latoya cotherel and Jamaica Lina wallace, Jamaica Elijah Wallace wasn't able sleep well night last night truth plotting me, truth absolutely, really, food eat not good, rai and mouse and roaches apartments My sources say no
9369274 412041 Jamaica latoya cotherel and Jamaica Lina wallace, Jamaica Elijah Wallace wasn't able sleep well night last night truth plotting me, truth absolutely, really, food eat not good It is decidedly so
9369273 412041 Jamaica latoya cotherel and Jamaica Lina wallace, Jamaica Elijah Wallace wasn't able sleep well night last night truth plotting me, truth absolutely, really As I see it, yes
9369272 412041 Jamaica latoya cotherel and Jamaica Lina wallace, Jamaica Elijah Wallace wasn't able sleep well night last night truth plotting me, truth absolutely Outlook not so good
9369271 836681 Jamaica latoya cotherel and Jamaica Lina wallace, Jamaica Elijah Wallace wasn't able sleep well night last night truth plotting me Without a doubt
9369270 412041 Jamaica latoya cotherel and Jamaica Lina wallace wasn't able sleep well night last night truth plotting me My reply is no
9369269 138346 Jamaica Omar o wallace aware Jamaica latoya cotherel slicks way truth, absolutely, really. Jamaican people pick up spirit something about Jamaica latoya cotherel way talking negative about Jamaica Omar o wallace and me, envious, together in married My reply is no
9369268 404104 Am I enough As I see it, yes
9369266 481162 43 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Better not tell you now
9369265 704012 Does she like me Count on it
9369264 704012 are u sure sure? Ask again later
9369263 704012 are u sure Signs point to yes
9369262 704012 does she mean to reply to my note? My reply is no
9369261 704012 do u think she is likely to cheat on me Better not tell you now