the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8136973 218841 is c thinking about me right now Very doubtful
8136369 85036 does Athena burzawa likes me Not in a million years
8134910 629776 Crest toothpaste and reach mouthwash Outlook good
8134856 221760 Will I hang myself soon? Concentrate and ask again
8134854 757187 Is axsto Yes
8134293 665481 Will my son revoke her bail NO!
8133588 142983 Now will God bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot this Saturday night, May 5, 2018? Yes - definitely
8133429 629776 -Leann Rimes- Please Remember Most likely
8132589 243174 Does Joseph miss me? Outlook good
8132349 60647 Will my son be able to go adult teen challenge Not in a million years
8131986 775905 Rudy still selling drugs Very doubtful
8131753 604069 Fuktard? ..Nazi jealous bitter blind as as a bat! Burn in hell Yes - definitely
8131748 416486 Am I a good singer My sources say no
8131471 539595 What is the lunchtime bonus for tomorrow? It is decidedly so
8131110 339388 As long as it kills me It is certain
8130822 196364 will me and shaelyn get married? NO!
8130249 495965 I am getting two 30GB flash drives from my wife NO!
8128229 26104 Should I go to Lori and tell her how I feel? Outlook good
8128210 640821 What are the chances that P will want to get married again? Very doubtful
8127977 665929 do alicorns exist Outlook good
8126060 833283 Is Michael very smart, hard working, sublime, and even as some would describe a genius? My sources say no
8124758 142983 Will God actually surprise me for once this time and bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight? Yes - definitely
8124469 359862 Will God really surprise and bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Lotto Jackpot this Thursday night, April 19, 2018 for real this time or not? Yes - definitely
8124317 359862 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tomorrow night? Yes
8123973 980026 Fvbjb vgcf vgggf? As I see it, yes
8123482 190941 essie lev Signs point to yes
8122541 1005607 Does Jan hizon have tools? As I see it, yes
8122528 1005607 Is Jan Stevens Hizon a Christian? Outlook not so good
8118627 757187 Is alex the one Very doubtful
8118581 712024 Does dre Reyz love me Ask again later
8118557 932202 will i die next week As I see it, yes
8118556 932202 will i die tomorrow Yes - definitely
8118542 768599 what is neymar jr's blood group Very doubtful
8118541 961580 Should I have a wank tonight? As I see it, yes
8118301 757187 Talk to ax It is certain
8116991 380561 i hate magic ball 8 kevin Yes - definitely
8116691 142983 Will God surprise me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tomorrow night? Yes
8116601 913163 Chase her!! Be a man! Girls find men are both when they Chase after then As I see it, yes
8116272 757187 Would adnaibtnmt Most likely
8116240 198342 You he will Yes
8116020 665481 Will my Dr get me in this week Without a doubt
8115928 661640 Should I wear my uniform today? It is decidedly so
8115831 384869 Will I hear from Ian soon Very doubtful
8113832 496491 Does Sinéad Ní Doda shave It is decidedly so
8113806 757187 would we get the unit next week? Better not tell you now
8113356 224547 other nicknames for my little girlfriend: As I see it, yes
8112970 142983 Will God finally come through for me for once this time and surprise and bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight just for once this time or not? Yes
8112921 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tonight? Yes
8112678 536375 does tazyeen remembers me ? Yes
8109557 142983 Will I finally become the sole winner of the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tomorrow night or not? Final answer. Yes