the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8137055 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight or not? Which is it please? Ask again later
8137054 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight or not? My sources say no
8137053 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight? Outlook good
8137052 79672 Will we win the T-roc? Count on it
8137051 226121 will he come to me again for my teaching service? Yes
8137050 226121 does he want to ask me again about my courses? Signs point to yes
8137049 226121 will IDAM show an interest again for my lessons? Cannot predict now
8137048 757187 Make more deals As I see it, yes
8137047 877356 did jim assault his daughter My reply is no
8137046 877356 did jim walk in front of train on purpose Without a doubt
8137045 757187 Ask the nktc Signs point to yes
8137044 485561 Did Jonah look at me up and down yesterday? Ask again later
8137043 485561 Did Jonah look at me hard yesterday? Not in a million years
8137042 485561 Should I wear this button up today? Outlook good
8137041 209214 Is he telling the truth about the receipt Without a doubt
8137040 694182 Should I call D now Yes - definitely
8137039 757187 Make oamayrs Signs point to yes
8137011 840954 Will i move to Berlin when i‘m 18? It is certain
8137010 218841 does c want to c o m c Without a doubt
8137009 218841 will i see c the next time i go to the d Outlook good
8137008 218841 will i get the noveske gen 4 like i want it Yes - definitely
8137007 140851 I wisper in your ear to as your do it ok just relax u be Without a doubt
8137006 140851 If you want do my to at same time I be ok with it melia I be ok I be ok Not in a million years
8137005 140851 as I see it as yes It is decidedly so
8137004 140851 I want to do it again to gain a to you in prvated i find a spot to u be fine i help relax melia I wisper in your ear while I do it ok Count on it
8137003 140851 oh hey melia it me teri your class I keep thnk about u we share u know when I was touch on t pies remb it mm I still do It is decidedly so
8137002 140851 oh Donna you have to tell melia ok in prvated like take for drive in your u pick melia up from her home ok david Yes - definitely
8137001 140851 Oh David I feel that to I keep feel it not go away oh no I just have to esp it to yep me to oh david it be ok Donna i know hold me ok ahh I know Donna it be ok Yes
8137000 140851 He has the gunt feel that melia really is he will to take responsible for it really yes he knows know that the right thing to do Outlook not so good
8136999 140851 My cell it a message from Cliff it about melia David Reply hazy, try again
8136998 140851 Oh boy oh no that could really mean melia is pg with cliff yep oh boy this is not good we go have to tell him yelp Outlook not so good
8136997 140851 oh david melia had to rush to rest room mm really Donna yes oh Donna that tell me something if melia had to hurry to the rest room As I see it, yes
8136996 140851 oh I melia do it back to me to my p oh boy I feel it ok boy I am ok i just need to relax fist and work it oh my oh boy I am ok i wish melia would wait to do oh well it ok I take it eny way Yes - definitely
8136995 140851 oh in his mind oh melia felling it I can tell ok I do a little more to it put in a little more oh it work I know melia sweet it your fine sweet just relax melia just let it Hal Better not tell you now
8136994 140851 When you were sit I was going to do a little bit to your we I was going to cover it my hands or do a pat on it just a little one Very doubtful
8136993 140851 Hey melia whole I was oh and my legs open just a little bit sweet to sweet you can keep between us ok melia sweet heart Outlook not so good
8136992 140851 And I put in my cell phone what I was do and look at you from where I was sit at It is certain
8136991 140851 Hey when I was sit in that chair note you wach you ok It is decidedly so
8136990 140851 Hey I wisper in your ear oh this top I put my hands on it and put on them oh melia sweet ahh I know how much you miss me I know relax ok Cannot predict now
8136989 140851 now are you ok look at me ok sweet ok good girl Not in a million years
8136988 140851 now I go put my hands on your ok now look at me that girl Without a doubt
8136987 140851 oh in here ok I close the door ok Without a doubt
8136986 140851 the next time i see David melia come see me ok Without a doubt
8136985 140851 we find a prvated spot I close the door even if I have to do something to your neck Ask again later
8136984 140851 Now melia I go to do like what I did that game night put my hands around your wast you look in to my eyes i go to wisper in your ear you to if you are ok Most likely
8136983 140851 hey melia i note u tonight at church note your u know I was try to get your atent that why I keep look at u see if you notice me Without a doubt
8136975 218841 does that girl like me Most likely
8136974 218841 is pf thinking about me right now tonight m9 It is certain
8136973 218841 is c thinking about me right now Very doubtful
8136369 85036 does Athena burzawa likes me Not in a million years