the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8406614 857763 Did L look like he had sweatshirt and draws on My reply is no
8406613 857763 Was L. Touching my ass Signs point to yes
8406589 724033 Beto thinking about me Yes
8406588 724033 Beto is sad NO!
8406587 724033 Beto thinking about me It is certain
8406586 724033 Beto thinking about maria NO!
8406585 724033 Beto thinking about maria It is certain
8406584 724033 Beto is thinking about maria Better not tell you now
8406582 66767 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Yes
8406581 66767 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Concentrate and ask again
8406580 66767 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? My sources say no
8406579 427428 are u as ornery as Ken today? My reply is no
8406578 427428 does Ken love me? Very doubtful
8406577 427428 so we will wait till tonite to talk? My sources say no
8406576 427428 will Ken send me a message this afternoon? Not in a million years
8406575 427428 is the weather going to be nice this Saturday for townwide yardsale? As I see it, yes
8406574 427428 are u sure we won't get together tomorrow? My sources say no
8406573 427428 are Ken and I going to get together tomorrow? Outlook not so good
8406572 427428 did Ken go out hunting? Outlook not so good
8406570 407042 Does Hakim look at my Facebook page? Reply hazy, try again
8406569 725075 Ball number 49 it will drawn in UK49 tea time tonight ? It is decidedly so
8406568 725075 Ball number 35 it will drawn in UK49 tea time tonight ? Yes
8406567 725075 Ball number 29 it will drawn in UK49 tea time tonight ? Outlook not so good
8406566 725075 Ball number 23 it will be drawn in uk49 tea time tonight ? Count on it
8406565 725075 Ball number 16 it will drawn in UK49 tea time tonight ? It is certain
8406564 725075 Ball number 11 it will drawn in uk49 tea time tonight ? Not in a million years
8406563 725075 Ball number 6 it will drawn in uk49 tea time tonight ? Ask again later
8406561 857763 Was s ever good at school work Outlook good
8406560 857763 Was L following d in high school in the afternoon Outlook good
8406559 857763 Was L popping up in the hallways at bowne My reply is no
8406558 857763 That's why L popped up in the hallway at bowne My sources say no
8406556 857763 That's why he always popped up in the hallway Not in a million years
8406555 857763 Was L spieing on d in hs Yes - definitely
8406554 656458 Is wondering wat I’m doing Yes - definitely
8406553 656458 Did Kareem go to work Signs point to yes
8406552 656458 Is Kareem wondering wat I’m doing Concentrate and ask again
8406551 656458 Is Kareem wondering wat I’m doing Cannot predict now
8406550 656458 Is Kareem wondering wat I’m doing Outlook good
8406549 461969 Is Kareem wondering wat I’m doing Without a doubt
8406545 724033 Beto thinking about Maria Most likely
8406542 857763 Did L see d focus in work in the dream As I see it, yes
8406534 857763 Did L tell d in the dream I was watching u from a distance Outlook good
8406530 724033 Beto at work Outlook good
8406521 724033 Beto thinking about me Yes
8406519 724033 My check tomorrow is more than $200 Signs point to yes
8406517 724033 My check Friday is more then $200 My sources say no
8406516 857763 Did L tell d I was staring at u before I knew u It is certain
8406514 66767 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Yes - definitely
8406508 857763 Was L saying I was watching u in hs in gym class It is certain
8406507 857763 Was L saying we had gym class together in hs l always looked at u My reply is no