the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8421163 272998 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? NO!
8421162 548355 Should I text Nano right now to smoke? Most likely
8421161 548355 Should I text Nano right now Concentrate and ask again
8421160 834544 I don't believe a dumb eight ball As I see it, yes
8421159 834544 Did Erika look down on me Not in a million years
8421158 834544 Was Erika only interested in seeing how far she could push me My sources say no
8421157 834544 Did Erika ever love me Very doubtful
8421156 834544 Did Erika love me Better not tell you now
8421155 834544 Erika, do you miss me Very doubtful
8421154 330359 Ще се видим ли с Тунджай скоро Without a doubt
8421153 214084 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Outlook not so good
8421152 214084 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Most likely
8421151 214084 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? My reply is no
8421150 214084 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Cannot predict now
8421149 214084 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? My reply is no
8421148 344206 So Red, The Fighter, will marry Yellow, The Healer, canonically in the PokéSpe series? Without a doubt
8421147 344206 Will Specialshipping become the next PikaChuChushipping, when it comes to canonical status, no matter what I do? Yes - definitely
8421145 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Not in a million years
8421144 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Reply hazy, try again
8421143 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Yes - definitely
8421142 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Count on it
8421141 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Outlook good
8421140 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Reply hazy, try again
8421139 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? As I see it, yes
8421138 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? It is certain
8421137 893932 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Most likely
8421136 893932 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? Most likely
8421135 893932 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? NO!
8421134 893932 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? My reply is no
8421133 918838 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? It is certain
8421132 918838 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? My sources say no
8421131 918838 Did Jan Hizon sin today? Not in a million years
8421128 524805 Will I sleep great tonight? Signs point to yes
8421127 524805 Will I make a dish for her for thanksgiving My reply is no
8421126 524805 Will my boss say I have class Yes
8421125 524805 Will my boss say I have clasd Cannot predict now
8421124 524805 Will my boss say I got lots of class Concentrate and ask again
8421123 524805 Will I look fly Not in a million years
8421122 524805 Will I find navy pants and turtle neck As I see it, yes
8421121 524805 Will my son buy my grandson more clothes Concentrate and ask again
8421120 524805 All the teachers will hush up Reply hazy, try again
8421119 524805 Will I complete the final grades this week Reply hazy, try again
8421118 524805 Will I get my work completed Without a doubt
8421117 524805 Will the homework assignments be completed. Timomorrow It is decidedly so
8421115 452029 will he text me eventually? Signs point to yes
8421112 26349 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? It is decidedly so
8421111 884349 Certainly, omw family members Kingdom jamac heard good things me, truth Outlook good
8421110 834544 Does Erika think she made a mistake Most likely
8421109 884349 Certain, omw family members Kingdom jamac heard me, truth Signs point to yes
8421108 884349 Certain, omw family members Kingdom jamac heard me My reply is no