the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8424926 724033 J talk to Beto Yes - definitely
8424925 27805 Fabio wal talked omw, lying, me, certain Most likely
8424924 724033 Beto is jealous if I’m with a guy Signs point to yes
8424923 27805 Fabio wal talked omw, lying, me My reply is no
8424922 316138 Fabio wal talked omw, lying Count on it
8424921 316138 Fabio wal talked omw Reply hazy, try again
8424920 316138 Fabio wal lived trashy, lying My reply is no
8424919 316138 Fabio wal lived trash My reply is no
8424915 724033 Beto still going to see me As I see it, yes
8424914 724033 Beto thinking about her My reply is no
8424913 724033 Beto is tierd of her Cannot predict now
8424912 724033 Beto tierd of his wife It is decidedly so
8424911 724033 They arguing with each other It is certain
8424909 724033 Beto whanted an other child Signs point to yes
8424908 724033 Beto having problems with his wife My sources say no
8424907 724033 Beto thinking about me today Yes - definitely
8424906 724033 J talk to Beto Count on it
8424905 724033 J talk to Beto Reply hazy, try again
8424904 990296 Will we get a new store Outlook good
8424903 724033 Beto whants me and his wife It is certain
8424902 990296 Will we get better sales My sources say no
8424901 990296 Will we get a better location Without a doubt
8424900 990296 Will we get a better deal My reply is no
8424899 221726 Is Jan Hizon going to Heaven? As I see it, yes
8424896 642251 Beto spying on me Signs point to yes
8424895 290595 Will my boss say I am good Count on it
8424894 290595 Will I get to drop and Adds soon Signs point to yes
8424893 592004 Beto knows about the problems Count on it
8424892 592004 J talk to Beto today about the problems Most likely
8424891 290595 Will the visits continue to go well Cannot predict now
8424890 290595 Will I enjoy the change It is decidedly so
8424889 290595 Will I work for federal government It is decidedly so
8424888 290595 Will I retire in 6 years It is decidedly so
8424887 290595 Will Ican send me someone Count on it
8424886 290595 Will we find good staff to take it over My reply is no
8424885 290595 Will the iCan fiumction when she leaves It is certain
8424884 127544 Beto spying on me today after work Signs point to yes
8424883 127544 Beto thinking about his wife Count on it
8424882 290595 Does my boss say I am not doing all Carol jobs As I see it, yes
8424881 290595 Will she stop irritating ofhers Signs point to yes
8424880 172413 Me cute topa wall, lying Most likely
8424879 127544 Beto don’t whant to go home Without a doubt
8424878 290595 Will carol say I made another enemy Without a doubt
8424877 127544 Beto is mad that he has to change It is decidedly so
8424876 726971 Me cute topa wall NO!
8424875 127544 Beto and her having problems Better not tell you now
8424874 628863 Me pretty topa wall Better not tell you now
8424873 290595 Will my boss say she is some kind of talent Count on it
8424872 785772 Beto and his wife are having problems Outlook not so good
8424871 290595 Will my boss say if I ask for something she produces It is certain