the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8463504 894063 Is Kareem coming home tomorrow Very doubtful
8463503 124959 Is Shelby my true love Outlook good
8463502 124959 Is daisy my true love Yes
8463501 834544 Are they right It is decidedly so
8463500 289640 Will this all go good Signs point to yes
8463499 838164 Beto not giving up Signs point to yes
8463498 838164 Beto feeling bad about what he had did in the past Yes - definitely
8463497 165410 did I inhale the cigarette smell yesterday when I went for a walk Outlook good
8463496 165410 is cash converters going to approve my loan today to fix the car Outlook not so good
8463495 165410 do I suffer from blood cancer NO!
8463494 165410 do I suffer from a blood disorder NO!
8463493 165410 is the specialist going to be happy with my blood test results Very doubtful
8463492 165410 are my blood test results going to be stable Without a doubt
8463491 165410 is the magic eight ball always correct Most likely
8463490 165410 did that inhaling of the cigarette cause trouble to my bloods Very doubtful
8463489 165410 are my blood test results going to be good next week when I go to the specialist Outlook not so good
8463488 165410 are my blood test results going to be good next week It is decidedly so
8463487 165410 is doctor jasxic going to put you in for a bone marrow aspication It is certain
8463486 165410 is dr jasxic going to be happy with my blood test results next week when I see him NO!
8463485 165410 is the specialist going to be happy with my blood test results Reply hazy, try again
8463484 165410 is the specialist at queen Elizabeth hospital going to be happy with my results next week My sources say no
8463483 165410 am my blood test results going to come back good Better not tell you now
8463482 165410 is the specialist going to be happy with my bloods next week Very doubtful
8463481 165410 is peter kittle holden going to give me a seven day account Signs point to yes
8463480 165410 is peter kittle holden going to give me a 30 day account My sources say no
8463479 165410 is cash converters going to accept this loan so I can fix the car and be done with it Yes - definitely
8463478 165410 is cash conerters going to approve this loan so I can fix the car Outlook not so good
8463477 165410 is cash converters going to approve this loan so I can fix the car Very doubtful
8463476 22997 am I going to win the lottery tonight? Cannot predict now
8463475 92844 Will I be appreciative My reply is no
8463474 92844 Will I teach next semester Signs point to yes
8463473 92844 Will I take care of all expense It is decidedly so
8463472 92844 Will I be able to pay all bills next pay It is certain
8463471 92844 Will I get promoted once more before retirement It is decidedly so
8463470 92844 Will I be done at 55 It is decidedly so
8463469 92844 Will my equity accelerator program start on time Most likely
8463468 92844 Will my mortgage be paid on time Outlook not so good
8463467 92844 Will my mortgage be paid quick My reply is no
8463464 843772 Does h a a l k o m a a w t? Yes - definitely
8463463 843772 Is k s r m s m? It is decidedly so
8463462 843772 Will w e e u t? My sources say no
8463461 289640 Will dollarama sign back Signs point to yes
8463460 843772 Will t j a c b u? As I see it, yes
8463459 289640 Will dollarama move Outlook not so good
8463458 289640 Will we work it out Without a doubt
8463457 289640 Will rexall be cool My reply is no
8463456 843772 Will I e g t m h? Signs point to yes
8463455 843772 Will t e b a c o t? Without a doubt
8463454 838164 Beto thinking he is loosing me As I see it, yes
8463453 838164 Beto thinking he is loosing me Count on it