the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8464317 92844 Will Mary say I do alot Outlook not so good
8464316 92844 Will I get praised for this Count on it
8464315 843772 Will h h t k l w g t s d? Outlook not so good
8464314 92844 Will my boss say I was in the middle My reply is no
8464313 406514 if your mom burns your weed, remember to go in there fully armed Yes
8464312 843772 Will h g f s? Count on it
8464311 92844 Will I be commend for the Bible marathon My reply is no
8464310 843772 Will h e e u g t a a a? Yes - definitely
8464309 843772 Will d d g w t a? NO!
8464308 92844 Will I be commended for the Bible marathon Better not tell you now
8464307 92844 Will ms turn say I was professional Count on it
8464306 406514 don't let your mom burn your weed My reply is no
8464305 92844 Did fost lie Most likely
8464304 406514 and steve mousel is upset about it Yes
8464303 92844 Did turn say I did good Very doubtful
8464302 406514 barb burned his weed Better not tell you now
8464301 92844 Did turn say I explain well Outlook not so good
8464300 92844 Did tee explain well today Signs point to yes
8464299 92844 Did t explain well today Better not tell you now
8464298 92844 Did I explain well Concentrate and ask again
8464297 92844 Does she still feel unjust Outlook not so good
8464296 406514 here's where don mousel's mexican nephew found sheila vh8u798 My reply is no
8464295 92844 Was carol content with my response today Outlook not so good
8464294 92844 Will dawn say she is a good person Outlook good
8464293 92844 She is a good person My sources say no
8464292 92844 Will she tell her she is much more than you think Signs point to yes
8464291 92844 Will dawn tell her she is pretty smart My sources say no
8464290 92844 Is she afraid I will tell on her Reply hazy, try again
8464289 92844 Will she continue to try NO!
8464288 92844 Will Foster realize she cN not set me up Outlook not so good
8464287 406514 lucky little guy... who's your friend Cannot predict now
8464286 92844 Does she know I will never say a word about her Concentrate and ask again
8464285 406514 did he ever find one Count on it
8464284 92844 Does Foster hate I am smarter than she thinks Reply hazy, try again
8464283 406514 the little mexican making gestures in his black and white ' lookin for a fat white guy boyfriend lover to f u k k his mouth and wreck his face ' Most likely
8464282 406514 that's who steve mousel is communicating with - barb Not in a million years
8464281 990158 who are talking to My sources say no
8464280 406514 your momma burned your weed huh It is decidedly so
8464279 406514 naw - you're too ugly Count on it
8464277 406514 so you're doing good where you are though Yes
8464276 406514 that aint attracting Better not tell you now
8464275 406514 that's sad you ugly c o c k s u k k e r It is certain
8464274 406514 and you never returned to Rapid City Concentrate and ask again
8464273 406514 you got rejected at a wedding. you couldn't attract. you couldn't connect Better not tell you now
8464272 406514 your mexican isn't good looking. Better not tell you now
8464271 406514 I do it all day long Most likely
8464270 990158 do I have a best friend named mailene It is certain
8464269 406514 I just attract hot chicks Better not tell you now
8464268 990158 am I dating someone Outlook not so good
8464267 990158 is my crush popular Not in a million years