the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8467358 407203 they're ugly and they lack influence Signs point to yes
8467357 407203 jewish people are weak Very doubtful
8467356 535300 Will Kareem come to the bronx My reply is no
8467355 535300 Will Kareem come to the bronx Reply hazy, try again
8467353 535300 Does Kareem wants to be with me Without a doubt
8467352 535300 Will Kareem and I work things out Most likely
8467349 407203 I have matrix squiddies than I can ask to bump him off Yes
8467348 407203 it's for the good of the planet As I see it, yes
8467347 407203 you need to shoot down TRUMP's airplane now My sources say no
8467346 407203 they hate that I'm Scandinavian Without a doubt
8467345 407203 they're not white enough My sources say no
8467344 407203 rats are ugly It is decidedly so
8467343 407203 your loser turned into a rat My sources say no
8467342 407203 ask honors English class Ask again later
8467341 407203 I attracted dvd tinkerbell at rapid city central in 1993 Outlook not so good
8467340 407203 you can find pictures of war torn Yugoslavia... and find people in mass graves, people discarded into mounds of dirt , just stuffed into the ground. it's horrible and horrifying. this planet already did that and worse to the jews, the jewish community, their books, and stole their possessions Count on it
8467339 407203 if I had known more about jews , I'd look at every one of them in 1995 to 1998 and say out loud " a jew ... why? why is it here As I see it, yes
8467338 407203 the happy thought is ... this planet - all the pretty white people at the same time - already exterminated them Signs point to yes
8467337 407203 you'd need a jew to support a mexican My sources say no
8467336 407203 your mexican is worse than ugly Better not tell you now
8467335 407203 I've never liked them It is certain
8467334 407203 jewish people are ugly Yes
8467333 838164 The bank owes me more than $100 Signs point to yes
8467332 1019156 Is t j o h p p t I w b a t t? Cannot predict now
8467331 1019156 Is m l o h p p t I w b a t t? Cannot predict now
8467330 1019156 Is m l n n p p t I a g t b a t t? My reply is no
8467329 1019156 Will I h o s t w c e a o s a t h t t? Without a doubt
8467328 826945 I just pleasured my wolf looking chick at the dennys NO!
8467327 826945 gotta attract Not in a million years
8467322 288563 Will 26 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Ask again later
8467321 288563 Will 27 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? My reply is no
8467320 288563 Will 28 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Signs point to yes
8467319 288563 Will 29 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Very doubtful
8467318 288563 Will 30 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Ask again later
8467317 288563 Will 31 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Not in a million years
8467316 288563 Will 32 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Not in a million years
8467315 288563 Will 33 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Not in a million years
8467314 288563 Will 34 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Outlook good
8467313 288563 Will 35 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? My sources say no
8467312 288563 Will 36 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? It is decidedly so
8467311 288563 Will 37 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? My sources say no
8467310 288563 Will 38 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Most likely
8467309 288563 Will 39 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? As I see it, yes
8467308 288563 Will 40 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? NO!
8467307 288563 Will 41 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Not in a million years
8467306 288563 Will 42 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? NO!
8467305 288563 Will 43 going to draw out tonight on uk Lucky numbers on the 23rd of February 2020? Outlook not so good
8467304 288563 Will 44 going to draw out today on six ball main set on the 23rd of February 2020? Without a doubt
8467303 288563 Will 45 going to draw out today on six ball main set on the 23rd of February 2020? Yes - definitely
8467302 288563 Will 46 going to draw out today on six ball main set on the 23rd of February 2020? It is certain