the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8483735 522560 its my only hope. those two venues. My sources say no
8483734 522560 if not him. then the 7 Very doubtful
8483733 522560 I hope DP will see me someday. I sure pray NO!
8483732 522560 i m learning I get my BEST work done. when it quiet and silent. Without a doubt
8483731 522560 i can do a how to. ..that's feasible. Outlook good
8483730 853971 İs she gonna love me Yes
8483729 522560 i sure find the answers i seek. I need to search. Outlook not so good
8483728 522560 i need to. i need time to myself. My reply is no
8483727 522560 i'm tempted to say goodbye to everyone and focus on my career. Not in a million years
8483726 522560 he just wants to waste my life. he isn't good. NO!
8483725 522560 and i need ot to do dialogue and narrative. Ask again later
8483724 522560 its hard to work. WHen truthfully? i need to be in the mood. Outlook not so good
8483723 522560 i need to work. i need to get busy with my goals. As I see it, yes
8483722 261297 Does Kalena not feel worthy of me? NO!
8483721 261297 Does Kalena consider me to be her property? Signs point to yes
8483720 522560 i dont know. I just wish he was more thoughtful. he isnt. he is a VERY selfish man Outlook good
8483719 261297 Does Kalena consider me to be her love? Outlook not so good
8483718 261297 Does Kalena consider me to be her friend? Outlook good
8483717 261297 Does Kalena consider me to be her friend? Concentrate and ask again
8483716 522560 he isn't my forever. he isnt. I really think my work, would open doors. i'd find teh right man. Yes - definitely
8483715 261297 Does Kalena consider me to be her love? It is certain
8483714 261297 Does Kalena consider me to be hers? Yes
8483713 261297 Does Kalena miss me? Outlook not so good
8483712 522560 is A jealous of me? As I see it, yes
8483711 522560 ugh. i need a time out. I need to run. Better not tell you now
8483710 522560 distractions are the hardest thing to deal with. I can't. When my phone is going off its impossible. It is decidedly so
8483709 522560 i can't get a thing done. those dogs and A. and my sister. its like chaos on speed. i need a break. Yes
8483708 522560 its not just him. its others. Everyone seems to want my time. I dont know. Its just i want to scream at everyone to ...GO AWAY. let me work. Signs point to yes
8483707 522560 he should be sooo encouraging me to work. and leaving me alone for hours. he should be. But he doesnt, Outlook good
8483706 522560 even when he liked Jean. I encouraged him. He NEVER encourged me to date. He is selfish My sources say no
8483705 522560 its almost like he doesn't want to share me. he wants me for just him. He talks good. But the truth is he is a liar. As I see it, yes
8483704 522560 he does. its a real problem. He gets SOOO possessive of my time when i am busy with my works. Not in a million years
8483703 522560 sometimes i get a feeling, I stand to be VERY succesful if i distanced myself from him. He holds me back. I wonder why Very doubtful
8483702 822672 Will he die before me Yes
8483701 522560 i should be working. i need to. Outlook not so good
8483700 522560 he ignores me...when i am available. he is possessive when i get busy. Its weird. he is Count on it
8483699 522560 its almost like he is scared of being left behind. or forgotten Outlook good
8483698 522560 he seems to be demanding of my time. whenever i get serious about work. he becomes possessive. Most likely
8483697 522560 perhaps he isnt. But it feels it Reply hazy, try again
8483696 522560 he is seriously seemingly trying to sabotage me Outlook good
8483695 868241 People going to work next month Not in a million years
8483694 522560 he just wastes time. I gotta put my foot down. its time Concentrate and ask again
8483693 522560 i'm running out of time Diabetes is killing me. Cannot predict now
8483692 522560 he's a friend. But i need to focus on my work. its important. It is decidedly so
8483691 522560 I have a lot of work to do. I should say goodbye to A. i need to Most likely
8483690 522560 yes it. the trajectory of a life can turn for the better if reached in time. Outlook not so good
8483689 522560 even though there is no cure. There is HOPE. healing is possible. NO!
8483688 522560 I welcome it. Lets talk about the truth. Most don't. its a shameful secret. but maybe i can change the stigma. I sure hope so Without a doubt
8483687 822672 Does he know she will never be better Yes - definitely
8483686 522560 he's going to. If he is as thorough as i think he is. He will. Signs point to yes