the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8513137 222004 Is I r r r g t h t t f u? Outlook good
8513136 222004 Are w g t g t b a h o t l v s? Yes - definitely
8513135 323987 someday I'm gonna get a subaru crosstrek Very doubtful
8513134 323987 in the jail I saw a subaru commercial and I asked this trucker guy " are subarus good cars? he says Oh Yeah! ... why you thinkin about gettin one Count on it
8513133 617570 will i get ordered rage longinus tonight Outlook good
8513132 323987 the honda civic hybrid was high on my list for years Yes - definitely
8513131 617570 Will i get ordered rage longinus tonight Concentrate and ask again
8513130 323987 I was gonna get a mercury mariner hybrid It is certain
8513129 323987 I drive a Ford Escape hybrid Without a doubt
8513128 323987 I think that's it for stories As I see it, yes
8513127 323987 why this is happening so much these days Not in a million years
8513126 793941 happened in ohio My reply is no
8513125 793941 I'd never do that btw Yes - definitely
8513123 793941 I've never done that in life ! Outlook not so good
8513122 793941 you ever see people p u n k e d dominated by gangsters ... they just take it Cannot predict now
8513121 793941 heh ... date with a dumpster My reply is no
8513120 793941 all that happened when things were nice It is certain
8513119 793941 there was a burning fireball that looked like a pumpkin Not in a million years
8513118 793941 " looks like they just left uhm here Count on it
8513117 793941 me and aura were supposed to explore those bldgs with the injun cruiser and grain twrs Count on it
8513116 793941 if I had a girlfriend I'd've explored it myself Very doubtful
8513115 793941 was crazy ... real Very doubtful
8513114 793941 then the boards are torn off and urban explorers went inside! Without a doubt
8513113 793941 then suddenly the windows are boarded up Without a doubt
8513112 793941 it stayed that way for like a week Count on it
8513111 793941 the gamer guys car is still there with the doors open Outlook good
8513110 793941 and then all the cars sped off ... Count on it
8513108 793941 and those two skinny girls are still taking it Yes
8513107 793941 it was awful... then a pumpkin looking fireball appeared Ask again later
8513106 793941 OMG ... they killed that guy ... now they're screwing his girlfriends Not in a million years
8513105 793941 then they started screwing those two girls on the car Yes - definitely
8513104 455430 I think they stabbed him Better not tell you now
8513103 455430 he's like yelling, trying to yell them off ... and then silence Count on it
8513102 455430 then one voice... that kid: " I don't want any trouble... I don't want any trouble It is decidedly so
8513101 455430 I can hear outside... one sreeet over... lotta cars pulling up AND female voices Concentrate and ask again
8513100 455430 I'm like okay?go back inside Ask again later
8513099 455430 it sarts watching and warning My sources say no
8513098 455430 anyway, walked outside... fresh air ... car pulls up ... turns on its yellow lights... turns in cul de sac and says " everybody stay where you are Outlook not so good
8513097 455430 aint your loser ... a real action Reply hazy, try again
8513096 455430 he had two hot girlfriends ... two s e x y skinny hot chicks, a pedophiles dream Outlook good
8513095 455430 some fat doo kinda pleasant not a bad person ... had a four door sedan... worked at the sonic ... I liked him ... reminded me a gamer kinda of a guy... arguably innocent Outlook not so good
8513093 455430 next story... you're gonna love this information Not in a million years
8513092 455430 it happened. on planet earth Outlook good
8513091 455430 I couldn't believe it ... uh ya know that sound is getting closer Yes - definitely
8513090 455430 all the lights went out ... everybody started settling beefs and this was back before assocs were well defined Very doubtful
8513089 455430 the best and worst is the blackout story Not in a million years
8513088 455430 three stories? ... where this would be necessary Better not tell you now
8513087 455430 I don't like having to work My reply is no
8513086 455430 off to my job now at the circle K Very doubtful
8513085 455430 hot blonde Miss South Dakota NO!