the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8533919 522560 You really should try it , there is something to the hype My reply is no
8533918 522560 Just had a 60 cal string cheese Signs point to yes
8533917 14641 anyway, you should watch this video ydg5vvjd Without a doubt
8533916 14641 anyway, what's required is building your own glock pistol... yes polymer80 is a glock pistol Count on it
8533915 14641 I've been talking to my Lucy tiffany about doing that Yes - definitely
8533914 14641 I ate out my girlfriend Cheryl while she was talking to her mom one time... maybe it was Cherie Not in a million years
8533913 14641 every dip of the french fries into honey mustard NO!
8533912 14641 I just saw my McDonald's ebonic cherie babe... I feel pretty good Without a doubt
8533911 14641 I'm writing for the kids, the childrens Signs point to yes
8533910 14641 or completely descend into total internal moral breakdown and think about your fantasies It is decidedly so
8533909 14641 try to stay busy, grab a coke or pepsi, ... watch some tv My sources say no
8533908 14641 everybody should try to get over the depressed feeling of the happy hunting grounds environment... it feels that way Very doubtful
8533907 14641 I was possessed by mai the waitress today at the auto insurance place Count on it
8533906 522560 Yoga also might help my mibdc NO!
8533905 522560 I'm gonna try Signs point to yes
8533904 253728 ghjfkdls;'[]s[dpfogkihjugiofpd[] It is certain
8533903 253728 gjuukdl Better not tell you now
8533901 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? Outlook good
8533900 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? Ask again later
8533899 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? Yes
8533898 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? NO!
8533897 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? Reply hazy, try again
8533896 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? Outlook not so good
8533895 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? Signs point to yes
8533894 791828 Will I get termed over this current situation? Not in a million years
8533893 689903 Will t h v v s n? NO!
8533892 791828 will I get termed over this current situation? Yes
8533891 62449 waaiha rra Signs point to yes
8533890 689903 Is m j g t r m f a g I t t a w a h w? Yes - definitely
8533889 689903 Do I h a a q c r n? Yes
8533888 522560 Protein box truly helps Outlook not so good
8533887 62449 waniha rra? Reply hazy, try again
8533886 689903 Am I a a f d b o m I a b I a a f o t? My reply is no
8533885 689903 Will t l f t c m a t m j a m h w I h m c a a? Signs point to yes
8533884 522560 I'm going to try this again tomorrow Signs point to yes
8533883 775562 did i do good on prodution today It is decidedly so
8533882 522560 I'm just in awe , I had no fast food and I'm still not hungry Signs point to yes
8533881 689903 Will I c a m h f a? Better not tell you now
8533880 775562 did i do good on prodution today Concentrate and ask again
8533879 522560 Poppy seed dressing?Might have had sugar . But the chicken?Offset it Most likely
8533878 689903 Will I b a t s I t l t I I a m e a m h? Count on it
8533877 689903 Will I g s f t c s I a e f j d? It is certain
8533876 522560 It does work Reply hazy, try again
8533875 689903 Will I g a l f j d t m I a e ? Not in a million years
8533874 522560 I have heard stories about high protein. But low fat (some) and low sugar low carb Most likely
8533873 689903 Will I e h t d j d a? Outlook not so good
8533872 689903 Will t p w b a t w I I? Without a doubt
8533871 775562 did jim west ruin my job Without a doubt
8533870 775562 did jim west ruin my job Reply hazy, try again
8533869 522560 It's better to eat high protein , low sugar low carb , it does help and makes a person feel better Ask again later