the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8543821 541612 will we ever get rid of this viurs It is certain
8543820 541612 will the leafs win the Stanley cup this year It is decidedly so
8543819 541612 will the leafs ever win the Stanley cup Without a doubt
8543818 541612 will wayne loose his jop at McDonald's My sources say no
8543817 541612 will Jason loose wight Signs point to yes
8543816 942004 Will Sonja and Tom ever get together? As I see it, yes
8543815 541612 will Jason get a jop at McDonald's with my dad As I see it, yes
8543814 942004 Should I ask Sonja for a date? Yes
8543813 541612 will Jason meet a women about 4or5 months As I see it, yes
8543798 468527 Will Joseph Michael Williams (born 10th October 1989) ever genuinely apologise to me for verbally abusing me, physically assaulting me, harassing me and threatening me? My sources say no
8543796 468527 Will Joseph Michael Williams (born 10th October 1989) ever genuinely apologise to me for verbally abusing me, physically assaulting me, harassing me and threatening me? My reply is no
8543794 468527 Will Joseph Michael Williams (born 10th October 1989) ever genuinely apologise to me for verbally abusing me, physically assaulting me, harassing me and threatening me? Will he ever genuinely attempt to make things right between us? Most likely
8543791 48320 Will Kareem believe that I never cheated on him Outlook not so good
8543790 48320 Will Kareem ever believe that I never cheated on him Concentrate and ask again
8543789 48320 Does Kareem want to break up with me It is decidedly so
8543788 48320 Does Kareem used to me Not in a million years
8543787 48320 Does Kareem loves me My reply is no
8543786 48320 Will Kareem cheat on me Very doubtful
8543785 48320 Will Kareem and I break up Reply hazy, try again
8543784 48320 Will Kareem and I have a happy relationship Very doubtful
8543783 48320 Will Kareem ever trust me My reply is no
8543782 48320 Will Kareem be in a good mood with me when he come back Signs point to yes
8543781 48320 Did Kareem throw my aviator glasses away Yes - definitely
8543780 605598 Teatime predicted bonus ball It is decidedly so
8543779 605598 What today's bonus ball Yes
8543778 229252 Will I get laid off soon? NO!
8543777 48320 Will I sign the lease in Kareem’s apartment Signs point to yes
8543776 48320 Will Kareem be in a good mood with me later As I see it, yes
8543775 48320 Will Kareem cuddle with me Very doubtful
8543774 48320 Will Kareem cuddle with me Not in a million years
8543773 48320 Will Kareem be happy with me later My sources say no
8543772 48320 Will Kareem be happy with me later My sources say no
8543771 48320 Will Kareem call me back Without a doubt
8543769 48320 Did Kareem see my calls It is decidedly so
8543768 48320 Does Kareem have things in his mind about me Most likely
8543767 48320 Is Kareem mad at me My sources say no
8543766 530389 did my dad care about my life at all Reply hazy, try again
8543765 530389 did my dad care about my life at all Better not tell you now
8543764 530389 did my dad care about my life at all Concentrate and ask again
8543763 530389 was my dad mad at me when I wouldn't take care of my mother Better not tell you now
8543762 530389 will I quit before I start my cna Without a doubt
8543761 530389 should I act like everything is ok Outlook good
8543760 530389 is that what gifty wants It is certain
8543759 530389 because it is overtime Signs point to yes
8543758 530389 because she is jealous My reply is no
8543757 530389 will a my pay me for my 6 hours My sources say no
8543748 27508 7 36 bonus 16 can I win lunchtime today Outlook good
8543747 468527 Will Joseph Michael Williams (born 10th October 1989) come to me and genuinely apologise for all the abuse, harassment, threats and verbal abuse he has thrown my way? Not in a million years
8543746 468527 Will Joseph Michael Williams (born 10th October 1989) come to me and genuinely apologise for all the abuse, harassment, threats and verbal abuse he has thrown my way? My reply is no
8543745 468527 Will my friendship with Joseph Michael Williams (Born 10th October 1989) ever be completely restored to what it was in December 2019? It is decidedly so