the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8554955 192051 will the cna help me at all Concentrate and ask again
8554954 192051 with a cna will I get promoted at visiting angels Very doubtful
8554945 192051 are the plum not the best As I see it, yes
8554943 192051 should I choose the black glasses instead Yes - definitely
8554939 847459 Will I win big on a scratch off today My reply is no
8554938 847459 Did jake change his number Outlook good
8554937 847459 Has jake gotten any of my messages Very doubtful
8554936 847459 Is jake thinking about me Signs point to yes
8554935 847459 Will Randy's team play more the 2 games today My reply is no
8554934 847459 Will olivia and I be able to make a dent in housework today Signs point to yes
8554933 181934 Does ray miss me Without a doubt
8554929 48320 Did Kareem like when I when down on him Yes
8554924 48320 Is Kareem mad at me Count on it
8554923 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me Signs point to yes
8554916 522560 I hope they do well It is certain
8554915 522560 I hope they do well Yes
8554913 522560 Most facilities also for they wish to be a medical assistant or nursing's a good move in life Signs point to yes
8554910 522560 It's a good job is It is decidedly so
8554908 522560 To be a CNA... it's like an's a good job Very doubtful
8554905 522560 Your CNA...Will open doors can also be a visiting and help with med checks and BP Concentrate and ask again
8554881 402715 Does scott love me? Yes - definitely
8554876 118316 Was AA flirting with SE? It is certain
8554875 118316 Was SE flirting with AA? Count on it
8554874 447429 Will I get the girl that I want one day Without a doubt
8554873 447429 Am I white Outlook good
8554872 447429 Should I get a mullet Outlook not so good
8554857 468527 Will Joseph Michael Williams (born 10th October 1989) genuinely apologise to me for harrassing me, verbally abusing me, raping me, assaulting me, manipulating me, threatening me and manipulating everyone into hating me soon? It is decidedly so
8554856 468527 Will Joseph Michael Williams (born 10th October 1989) genuinely apologise to me for harrassing me, verbally abusing me, raping me, assaulting me, manipulating me, threatening me and manipulating everyone into hating me? Without a doubt
8554853 465404 eycsvnfv Outlook good
8554852 465404 Give me robux username: TheMasterXyeet Count on it
8554851 465404 Should I buy a dominus Most likely
8554850 709201 should i drink Yes - definitely
8554849 499286 What's the numbers can play in Russia morning to day Signs point to yes
8554848 485639 What's is the numbers there can play in Russia moning today Most likely
8554847 860072 Is this a load of crap? Yes
8554845 503333 tv de eski gazete manşetlerinden mizah yapan bir şişko ay ı var temsil ettiği kişi gibi şişko ay ının teki amk puhaha :D lan senin koca gtün zaten başlı başına mizah konusu yemeye düşkün büyük ay ı seni önce kilo ver de insana dönüş sonra mizah yaparsın sen puhahha :D Yes
8554844 801744 Does he love Lauren? NO!
8554843 801744 Does he want to pursue me? Without a doubt
8554842 801744 Is he trying to get with Lauren? Yes - definitely
8554841 801744 Is he in love with Lauren? It is decidedly so
8554840 801744 Does he have feelings for Kirsten? NO!
8554839 801744 Does he have feelings for Lauren? Yes - definitely
8554835 213616 Will Kevin ever love me and be all mine It is decidedly so
8554830 192051 should I of not gone after the cna Most likely
8554829 192051 will it be well worth the efoort and money for me My sources say no
8554828 192051 will I have it by 12-2-20 Without a doubt
8554827 192051 will I have it by 12-1-20 Better not tell you now
8554826 192051 will I have my certificate by 11-15-20 Very doubtful
8554825 192051 will it cost more than 1200 Not in a million years
8554824 192051 will it be more than 1200 Concentrate and ask again