the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8555200 522560 Does he trust me? Outlook good
8555199 522560 He's ok?He's not going to hsrm me? Yes - definitely
8555198 110685 very interested ? Signs point to yes
8555197 110685 yes or no ? NO!
8555196 522560 I assumed he's shy ...helpless he ? Very doubtful
8555195 522560 I should?Is he dangerous ? Cannot predict now
8555194 522560 Should I fear him ? As I see it, yes
8555193 522560 Do I bring and happiness like no other woman ? Most likely
8555192 522560 He won't cheat? Yes - definitely
8555191 522560 Is he no chest? Very doubtful
8555190 522560 Is he fsithful.?. Yes - definitely
8555188 579889 Will Matt ever ask me out? It is decidedly so
8555187 579889 Will Matt ever ask me out? Reply hazy, try again
8555186 129779 Should I ask Aniyah to ask Jamari if he wants to get with me Signs point to yes
8555185 129779 Should I ask Michael to get back with me Outlook not so good
8555184 306296 I’m I going to reach 50 years Outlook good
8555183 129779 Should I ask out Michael It is decidedly so
8555182 129779 Will corona ever get cured Count on it
8555181 129779 Will corona ever leave Ask again later
8555180 129779 Will trump won the re-election Most likely
8555179 306296 I’m I going to get corona virus My reply is no
8555178 748699 Should I go to bethel road tonight? Count on it
8555177 306296 Is my sister going to die from corona virus Without a doubt
8555176 306296 Is my daughter intelligent My sources say no
8555175 65301 Youre confusing.. Most likely
8555174 65301 So she is going to move schools? My reply is no
8555173 306296 Am I going to have another child It is certain
8555172 65301 That wasnt a clear answer? Will she move schools? Without a doubt
8555171 65301 So tell me honestly, will Teikia move schools? Outlook not so good
8555170 306296 Does my husband loves me Yes
8555169 306296 Is my daughter happy Reply hazy, try again
8555168 306296 Is my son happy where he is staying now My reply is no
8555167 685695 Will trump win again? My reply is no
8555166 65301 Is this fake because it answered wrong... It is certain
8555165 65301 Do the songs, Beachboy, Baby Hotline and I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend remind me of Teikia? My sources say no
8555164 306296 Is my father still alive Outlook not so good
8555163 65301 Does the song Beachboy, Baby Hotline and I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend remind me of her? Outlook not so good
8555162 258598 Will i get the 2nd stimulus package? Count on it
8555161 65301 Will I get to hug my girlfriend really tight? Reply hazy, try again
8555160 65301 Will everything go good in my life for once? Cannot predict now
8555159 65301 Will Teikia move schools? My sources say no
8555158 65301 Will we do really bad sexual things worse then what i just said and against Jesus? Without a doubt
8555157 65301 Will I let her give me hickeys while i grab her thighs? NO!
8555155 65301 Will me and my girlfriend have a long relationship It is decidedly so
8555154 65301 Am I bisexual? As I see it, yes
8555153 65301 Will my girlfriend move schools? Ask again later
8555152 683535 Will I meet Finn wolfhard Signs point to yes
8555151 192051 will they ever promote me at visiting angels It is decidedly so
8555150 192051 will I ever catch up to the other people Signs point to yes
8555149 192051 will I make $16 an hour next year at visiting angels My reply is no