the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8583952 192051 will I go back to Brookdale Very doubtful
8583951 192051 will I be on the 4th floor Outlook not so good
8583950 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Most likely
8583949 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Count on it
8583948 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Signs point to yes
8583947 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D It is certain
8583946 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Very doubtful
8583945 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Cannot predict now
8583944 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D It is certain
8583943 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D NO!
8583942 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Outlook good
8583941 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Outlook not so good
8583940 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D Yes - definitely
8583939 696562 sahip olduğum güç benim ben de sahip olduğum gücüm amk puhaha :D It is decidedly so
8583938 192051 will I be back at Brookdale Signs point to yes
8583937 192051 will I make $16 an hour My sources say no
8583936 696562 yarma gül nokta. :D Concentrate and ask again
8583935 696562 yarma gül nokta. :D It is decidedly so
8583934 192051 will I make more than $16 an hour Outlook not so good
8583933 696562 gökhan abisi gibi güçlü olmak isteyen okan :D Very doubtful
8583932 192051 will I like it Count on it
8583931 192051 if I do my cna in October will I have another job by January It is decidedly so
8583930 192051 will I be in another job by January Concentrate and ask again
8583929 192051 am I done with men Without a doubt
8583928 192051 did she care My sources say no
8583927 192051 did carol realize all the health problems I had from my early birth Signs point to yes
8583926 192051 will I feel well enough to do the cna class next month Most likely
8583925 192051 will she be different then Signs point to yes
8583924 192051 will I talk to her before she dies As I see it, yes
8583923 192051 will karma pull her down a few pegs It is certain
8583922 192051 will Carol get what is coming to her Count on it
8583921 192051 am I a lot more than Carol thinks I am It is certain
8583920 192051 am I a lost cause Reply hazy, try again
8583919 192051 did she feel different after she knew the truth My reply is no
8583918 192051 did she think I was a lost cause? Signs point to yes
8583917 192051 was she just trying to help my parents? It is certain
8583916 192051 does carol regret her wrong doing in my life? Outlook not so good
8583915 192051 will I decide to go elsewhere It is certain
8583914 192051 will I get compensated for the cna? Better not tell you now
8583913 192051 will I get 35 hours or more? Outlook good
8583912 192051 will I leave visiting angels? Outlook not so good
8583904 186102 should i text paul My reply is no
8583903 49950 Who going to be Aaron Wright girl Mary yes or no Very doubtful
8583902 272962 should Ethan shave tomorrow night instead Yes - definitely
8583901 272962 should Ethan shave tonight Signs point to yes
8583895 829057 Predict me with 2 numbers for teatime It is decidedly so
8583890 336181 Will Aunt Franny be okay with what I emailed her today? Outlook good
8583878 169626 6can play teatime today Cannot predict now
8583877 53445 Will I win a little bit of money at the casino today? Yes
8583876 34483 I hope he gets calls Better not tell you now