the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8634531 973593 Should I call A.B. right now? Not in a million years
8634529 973593 Are you sure? Most likely
8634527 973593 Should I call A.B. right now? Yes
8634526 324537 Will he take me car It is certain
8634506 957774 I will receive $916 in December Most likely
8634504 957774 I will receive $916 December My sources say no
8634503 957774 Beto thinking of maria Count on it
8634487 269266 Is Omegle OK to rub myself in a leotard for strangers to laugh at? Reply hazy, try again
8634484 269266 Is Omegle okay to rub myself in a leotard for strangers to laugh at? Most likely
8634473 269266 Should I tell her? It is certain
8634471 269266 Is it true I am 6’1/2” It is certain
8634470 269266 Is it true I am 6’ As I see it, yes
8634469 269266 Is it true I am 6’1” Most likely
8634468 20573 should i go Count on it
8634467 784223 test test Yes - definitely
8634466 863374 should i text stephenie tonight Yes - definitely
8634465 863374 should i text stephenie tonight Reply hazy, try again
8634463 716293 should we go to TLV Yes - definitely
8634462 716293 should we go to sixth street and get a hot dog Yes - definitely
8634461 716293 should we make egg salad Yes - definitely
8634460 716293 should we get indian food My reply is no
8634459 716293 should we get dinner at cipollina Ask again later
8634458 716293 where should we get dinner Outlook good
8634457 494370 Are w g h w m m t w h n b t c? Count on it
8634448 518517 Will I get my car back today? As I see it, yes
8634447 224786 should i tell her? NO!
8634443 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me It is decidedly so
8634426 1013367 should i walk by myself Yes - definitely
8634423 34483 I'm worried Not in a million years
8634421 897687 does ryan fancy corrin As I see it, yes
8634420 428770 Will he come to collingwood It is decidedly so
8634417 183919 Whats the square root of 7? Yes - definitely
8634416 183919 Will I live long? Yes
8634376 173913 is this fake It is certain
8634375 173913 yes that is true Yes
8634374 173913 this is fake guys dont type on it i can see ur things lol lol lol NO!
8634373 173913 noob 8 ball Not in a million years
8634372 173913 you noob It is decidedly so
8634371 173913 is dad going to get lucky tonight Concentrate and ask again
8634368 173913 noob ur noob Yes - definitely
8634366 173913 is katie annoying Yes
8634365 173913 is katie carefull Yes
8634356 152539 Should we drink champagne tonight? Count on it
8634355 152539 Should we drink red wine tonight? Reply hazy, try again
8634354 152539 Should we drink champagne tonight Very doubtful
8634353 307691 What,then when Yes - definitely
8634352 307691 Right now? Not in a million years
8634351 307691 Should i clean the pipea It is certain
8634350 202141 Should I spend money tonight? Signs point to yes
8634349 202141 Should we go out on a date? Outlook good