the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8669662 34483 I think...equal jobs...should be mandatory..not...just...for the hell of it. No one...should be..."given" a job...based on the skin color...or race. Concentrate and ask again
8669661 215337 you are a whore My reply is no
8669660 34483 i'm far from kidding It is certain
8669659 34483 women need to feel empowered...not forced..or...enslaved. Very doubtful
8669658 34483 Same with girl for girls. not boys. Count on it
8669657 34483 i'm tired of it. Foot Ball is a MANS sport. Count on it
8669656 34483 i'm not a hater. I am a lover. But i do NOT like it..when a act like a man...becaue the guys...stopped...beiing men Count on it
8669655 34483 too many men...have become castrated by the girls...its sad. They have ruined them. Count on it
8669654 702239 What color will 20 January 2020 bonus be Yes - definitely
8669653 34483 I'm a very old fashioned woman. thank you for asking. My sources say no
8669652 299660 Will Lynn and I win a large lottery jackpot this month? My sources say no
8669651 34483 i'd ratehr be old fashioned...than some simple mindless modern robot. Cannot predict now
8669650 299660 tonight? Better not tell you now
8669649 299660 Will my wife and I win a large lottery jackpot this month/ Better not tell you now
8669648 283986 I will receive my stimulus check direct deposit Most likely
8669647 34483 if i expect...a man to be a man...and he acts like it. ...he is called a unicorn. I do NOT respect a man...who LETS a woman...pull her wallet out..and pay for him. its kinda retarded..of HIM to let her. its called manners. something that never goes out of style. Very doubtful
8669646 299660 Will Lynn and I win a large lottery jackpot by the end of this month? Better not tell you now
8669645 283986 I will receive my stimulus direct deposit Ask again later
8669644 622496 Will I find new friends? Most likely
8669643 622496 Will Molly and Lacy end up good friends? Most likely
8669642 283986 My stimulus is late Not in a million years
8669641 622496 Will I get away from them? It is certain
8669640 622496 Will Lacy manipulate Molly? Outlook good
8669639 622496 Will Lacy get sick of Molly too? My sources say no
8669638 34483 Its called self respect. you might wanna learn it. seem kinda dumb...and a little retarded Very doubtful
8669637 622496 Is Molly oppressive? Most likely
8669636 622496 Is Molly not a friend? It is decidedly so
8669635 34483 you are much do you be a hooker? Yes
8669634 151575 Did I pass the UCF computer science foundations exam this attempt? It is decidedly so
8669633 151575 Did I pass the UCF computer science foundation exam? Outlook not so good
8669632 896555 will assange be pardoned? Yes - definitely
8669631 34483 lol..Yep..Old Fashioned? yes. i am VERY much...not a whore..or a pig. So if that makes me old fashioned..good Outlook not so good
8669630 215337 Do you have brain damage Concentrate and ask again
8669629 215337 You are just a hacker Reply hazy, try again
8669628 215337 You are soo old fashioned narrow minded ignorant Concentrate and ask again
8669627 151575 Did I pass the foundation exam? Ask again later
8669626 34483 that's why ...Jesus...rose from the dead. and he rose lazarus. to show his power. and...because...lazarus...had more work...on do. Yes
8669625 151575 Did I pass the computer science foundation exam? Better not tell you now
8669624 215337 Old school Most likely
8669623 34483 yes..God uses the express..and display his power...he does. The dead? if he wants to rise them up...from the the living. Better not tell you now
8669622 34483 the point? is the living...can do more...for the power of God...than a dead person My sources say no
8669621 215337 Kt is bbb NO!
8669620 34483 i dont know. but ..i dont like it. it bothhered me Yes
8669619 215337 You guys should leave your bodies forever. What's the point of living trapped in a sick body Not in a million years
8669618 34483 i did. I saw something ugly about him. I don't know what it was. But something...showed itself. just today. Outlook good
8669617 34483 i don't know...what i saw. But its not good. Concentrate and ask again
8669616 34483 he isn't...even TRYING to find healing. he thinks..he is perfect. God make him "perfect" naked. Ugh. talk about denial..and blind to the ugly parts of himself. My sources say no
8669615 34483 I'm ready to move on. I should have listened to my gut leave. NO!
8669614 34483 he thinks...all right. if its him. he does it. even when GOD hsas said...NO Count on it
8669613 34483 the saddest..he thinks...its OK. to think like he does. its wrong. ohh..he is sick. he refuses to seek help...and ...face the truth...he isn't normal. He has a wonderful heart. he does. BUT..its not perfect. he is...obsessed about himself. its all about him. I don't seem to...figure into this. Its been about him..keeping him..happpy.and ..."comf0ortable"..Positve. its all been.. about him. we duck all true issues. we should be talking about. Its that ugly part of him...he can't see. I saw it today. Its okay. My sources say no