the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8695144 48320 Will Kareem and I stay together Better not tell you now
8695143 48320 Does Kareem cares that I’m hurt Very doubtful
8695142 48320 Will Kareem understand me It is decidedly so
8695140 48320 Will Kareem have a ex with me Without a doubt
8695139 48320 Did Kareem meant what he said to me Very doubtful
8695138 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me Without a doubt
8695137 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me Better not tell you now
8695136 512162 Should I do it tonight Most likely
8695133 512162 Will marcela come back to me Count on it
8695116 732739 What will be the u.k49 first 2 balls that will be dropped first Without a doubt
8695095 859915 will martha get better It is certain
8695091 711615 aidan va a tener hijos muy pronto Reply hazy, try again
8695090 832384 Will he say yes and an actual time? Very doubtful
8695089 832384 Should I ask him on a date rn? Count on it
8695088 711615 aidan se va a casar Outlook good
8695087 711615 tengo novia Not in a million years
8695080 622496 Is Lina manipulative? Not in a million years
8695079 622496 Is Lina abusive? My reply is no
8695077 659721 Will Angie love me? Signs point to yes
8695076 659721 Will I get Angie to love me? Very doubtful
8695072 433836 should iresign today Not in a million years
8695060 832384 Is Dankwa my soulmate My sources say no
8695052 758864 March 4th I will receive $20 on my ebt It is decidedly so
8695051 758864 March 4th I will receive $20 on my EBT card Outlook not so good
8695050 66820 does he hate me? Not in a million years
8695049 66820 should i address this? Yes - definitely
8695048 66820 is he a soul mate? As I see it, yes
8695047 66820 is he a soul family member? Most likely
8695031 622496 Is Lina abusive? Not in a million years
8695030 622496 Should I stay away from Lina? Yes - definitely
8695029 622496 Is Lina a ridiculous bully? Without a doubt
8695028 622496 Is Paul destroying me? Concentrate and ask again
8695026 622496 Did I deserve how Lina treated me? Very doubtful
8695025 622496 Am I weird? Most likely
8695023 622496 Did Lina destroy me? Cannot predict now
8695022 622496 Will I get back on my feet? Cannot predict now
8695021 622496 Is Paul manipulating me? As I see it, yes
8695010 738647 Will I get the RC job at Fidelity? Outlook good
8695009 87403 Should I get back together with Tyler Not in a million years
8695008 87403 Should I keep talking to him Very doubtful
8695007 87403 Should I keep talking to mike Better not tell you now
8695006 87403 Is Tyler my soulmate Very doubtful
8695005 184169 Will Kareem work things out with me Without a doubt
8695004 1043994 Will 36 come out on SA Daily lotto today Yes - definitely
8695003 1043994 Will 35 come out on SA Daily lotto today My reply is no
8695002 1043994 Will 34 come out on SA Daily lotto today NO!
8695001 1043994 Will 33 come out on SA Daily lotto today My reply is no
8695000 1043994 Will 32 come out on SA Daily lotto today Outlook good
8694999 1043994 Will 31 come out on SA Daily lotto today Outlook good
8694998 1043994 Will 30 come out on SA Daily lotto today Outlook good