the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8698181 731431 Next week I will receive the 1400 As I see it, yes
8698180 622496 Will I get Robbie back? NO!
8698179 622496 Did I mess it up with Robbie? Yes - definitely
8698178 952772 Was what you said earlier a lie? Without a doubt
8698177 477943 Hell nah Outlook not so good
8698175 952772 Will Monero go to the moon or even further? NO!
8698174 477943 Are you cumming As I see it, yes
8698172 477943 Well I hate you! As I see it, yes
8698171 477943 Do you hate me? Most likely
8698168 477943 Why, are you scared? Yes - definitely
8698165 894221 I will receive the $1400 stimulus check Better not tell you now
8698164 894221 I will receive the $1400 NO!
8698158 983206 Will i hear back from both of them It is certain
8698157 983206 Will both kyles get my messages As I see it, yes
8698156 983206 Does Kyle F have fb messenger Concentrate and ask again
8698155 983206 Doee this Kyle have msngr Reply hazy, try again
8698154 258598 Will I be renting from lifestyles in 2 months? Outlook good
8698153 258598 Will I be moving to princeton in June? Cannot predict now
8698152 258598 Will I be moving to pine city in 3 months? Ask again later
8698151 258598 Will I be moving to princeton in 2 months? Not in a million years
8698150 258598 Will my car work out the security light issue soon ? Yes
8698149 258598 Will I have a good week? Signs point to yes
8698148 258598 Will they accept my sons bid on the house this week? Most likely
8698147 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me Without a doubt
8698146 880408 Bonus uk49 today 46 Count on it
8698144 882141 Yes or no Reply hazy, try again
8698143 882141 Yes or no now Cannot predict now
8698142 882141 Should I beat my smeat Yes
8698141 566306 Is 19 bonus ball for uk teatime today Outlook good
8698140 566306 Is 25 bonus ball for uk teatime today Signs point to yes
8698139 797957 Is 25 bonus ball for uk teatime today Outlook not so good
8698138 791969 Is 46 bonus ball for uk teatime today Without a doubt
8698137 250560 Is yellow the colour for teatime bonus on the 7th March 2021 It is decidedly so
8698136 1012889 Bonus color for UK teatime will be Purple? Without a doubt
8698135 250560 Is 46 bonus ball for uk teatime today Not in a million years
8698134 566306 Is 46 bonus ball for uk teatime today Without a doubt
8698133 581071 Is 46bonus ball for uk teatime today Ask again later
8698132 581071 Is 39 bonus ball for uk teatime today Outlook not so good
8698131 250560 Is 32 bonus ball for uk teatime today Not in a million years
8698130 250560 Is 25 bonus ball for uk teatime today It is decidedly so
8698129 959284 Is 18 bonus ball for uk teatime today Outlook not so good
8698128 959284 Is 11 bonus ball for uk teatime today Most likely
8698127 791969 Is 4 bonus ball for uk teatime today NO!
8698126 791969 Is yellow the colour for uk teatime today Most likely
8698125 250560 Is 19 bonus ball for uk teatime today Reply hazy, try again
8698124 791969 Is 8 bonus ball for uk teatime today NO!
8698123 166205 will she keep it a secret Reply hazy, try again
8698122 166205 will she get fired over it My reply is no
8698121 166205 will sonja take her money Outlook good
8698120 166205 will she die in the next 12 months Yes - definitely