the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8744894 66291 My husband is younger than me Yes
8744893 66291 In the future will I get teaching position My reply is no
8744892 66291 Is number 7 will be draw tomorrow on uk49 lunch Cannot predict now
8744891 66291 Is 3 going to be on UK 49 lunch draw tomorrow Outlook good
8744890 66291 Am my going to have a son in the future It is decidedly so
8744889 66291 Is 3 and 29 going to be on Lunch time draw tomorrow Very doubtful
8744888 311762 Are w g t h l o m v s n? Without a doubt
8744887 922994 Is someone an idiot? Without a doubt
8744886 922994 Is someone an idiot? Ask again later
8744885 66291 Am I going to win a lottery jacket in the near future Very doubtful
8744884 863374 will i see jessica again Count on it
8744883 863374 will jessica go out with me again Not in a million years
8744882 50467 Will Jassen find a new job in the near future? NO!
8744881 50467 Will Justin find a new job in the near future? My reply is no
8744880 50467 Will Justin find a new job and be successful in selling homes? Not in a million years
8744879 50467 will Marcel ever be successful in selling homes in winter park, co? It is certain
8744878 933308 Should I watch Camp Lazlo right now? It is certain
8744877 933308 Should I watch cartoons right now? My reply is no
8744876 57857 would troy put in effort to keep this relationship going? It is certain
8744875 148036 Does Chad want nothing to do with his wife Outlook not so good
8744874 470476 Will Kareem meet at the train station Yes - definitely
8744873 470476 Will Kareem text me back Yes - definitely
8744872 1014018 Should i do it Most likely
8744871 498823 will we go back to campus As I see it, yes
8744869 302202 Oscar going to text me My sources say no
8744868 470476 Will Kareem meet me at the train station It is certain
8744867 9330 will my next QA scores be at least 60 or higher? Outlook good
8744866 933308 Does K. like hot dogs? Yes - definitely
8744865 933308 I can’t be. My reply is no
8744864 933308 I can’t be. Reply hazy, try again
8744863 933308 Am I a nookensquaggle? Without a doubt
8744862 933308 But I’m not a weenie! Very doubtful
8744861 933308 But I’m not a weenie! Ask again later
8744860 933308 Am I a weenie? Signs point to yes
8744859 933308 Am I a weenie? Ask again later
8744855 470476 Will Kareem text me first me It is certain
8744854 34483 Your mind is soo messed take a child you love ..and play games of competition and comparing ..when truth is?Every child has their own way and gifts to share with the world...if you feel...that bad about yourself? on yourself ...but let the children be children is not a's a gift ...use it wisely and...stop hurting your own children ..with your judgemental idiocy ...just stop it Better not tell you now
8744853 34483 Hey evil mom ...competing using a child to compare wrong on so many are a lousy parent .. And the children deserve better than you ! Without a doubt
8744852 9330 will my next QA be at least 60 or higher? Most likely
8744850 35192 Pendulum there at post office Cannot predict now
8744849 35192 Is my pendulum arrived NO!
8744848 622496 Does Mike think I did a good job? My reply is no
8744847 622496 Did I so a good job for Mike? It is certain
8744846 622496 Is Denise a jerk? Ask again later
8744845 622496 Are there so many mistakes in Denise’s files? Outlook not so good
8744844 622496 Is Denise not a good attorney? Signs point to yes
8744843 622496 Is Denise being hard on me? Yes - definitely
8744842 622496 Is Denise being cery hard on me? Concentrate and ask again
8744841 622496 Is Denise being very hard on me? Concentrate and ask again
8744840 622496 Do I need a new job? Signs point to yes