the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8752442 615529 Is purple going to be the bonus for teatime today Yes - definitely
8752441 1040541 Is brown going to be the bonus for teatime today Outlook good
8752440 174380 Is orange going to be the bonus for teatime today Most likely
8752439 174380 Is yellow going to be the bonus for teatime today Most likely
8752438 1040541 Is blue going to be the bonus for teatime today Yes
8752437 615529 Is red going to be the bonus for teatime today Yes - definitely
8752436 924502 Is green going to be the bonus for teatime today Very doubtful
8752431 83898 32 is a teatime bonus Without a doubt
8752430 34483 I have found skinny girl to be a good website ...they give good recipes It is certain
8752429 34483 Cook books ...I need to get a few It is decidedly so
8752428 34483 I'm really needing books Yes - definitely
8752427 34483 Without the bread? It is certain
8752426 34483 Egg sandwich?? Yes - definitely
8752425 34483 But ...what to eat that will be filling and low carb ..low sugar Outlook not so good
8752424 34483 Maybe if I switched to just water might helpm Yes - definitely
8752423 34483 I.m really struggling at my plateau weight ...I gotta kick it into gear It is decidedly so
8752422 34483 Diabetic cook books Without a doubt
8752421 34483 I need cook books Concentrate and ask again
8752420 34483 So how to kick start my metabolisn...because i have no idea NO!
8752419 34483 I've plateaued..I'm stuck. Signs point to yes
8752418 34483 Insulin resistance is a problem Outlook not so good
8752417 34483 Big question? How to drop More Weight while diabetes is present Most likely
8752416 34483 Now .. If only I could get rid of the last 70-80: lbs have a chance at health Signs point to yes
8752415 34483 Good news ..gratitude? I lost 80 pounds Without a doubt
8752414 34483 I have such ...nervous energy I gotta deal with it Ask again later
8752413 34483 But ..I know I can improve upon my mind It is decidedly so
8752412 34483 My mind?Isn't strong ...I know it Very doubtful
8752411 34483 Yes ! I think my mood would improve Outlook not so good
8752410 34483 I think if I would help. My sources say no
8752409 34483 Im just not sure My sources say no
8752408 34483 I feel like I'm in a constant state of suicidal thoughts...I really don't know why Count on it
8752407 34483 I'm just tired of sicknessv Reply hazy, try again
8752406 34483 I feel it's a battle I'm not gonna win Yes - definitely
8752405 34483 I'm really hating diabetes NO!
8752404 34483 I don't know if it's possible Signs point to yes
8752403 34483 Im just wanting to heal Reply hazy, try again
8752402 34483 I just want a medicine free day Very doubtful
8752401 34483 I'm tired of pills Outlook not so good
8752400 34483 I skipped by diabetes meds last night ...I just am tired of meds Count on it
8752399 34483 I gotta get my health under control Outlook good
8752398 34483 Exercise is health and fitness NO!
8752397 34483 I gotta give up carbs Most likely
8752396 34483 But I know ...I can I need to try As I see it, yes
8752395 34483 I can't seem to break 230 Count on it
8752394 34483 Gym ..I really need to go As I see it, yes
8752393 34483 Gotta go to the gy Ask again later
8752392 34483 Gotta get fruits and veggies today It is decidedly so
8752391 34483 My sugar is 214 ...I gotta get it below 100 Better not tell you now
8752390 34483 Who is the freak? Outlook good
8752389 34483 I'm really tired..but im waking up Yes - definitely