the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8797119 106589 Is tomorrow the day Ask again later
8797116 106589 Will Luca Carratu add me on snapchat Most likely
8797114 106589 Will I get a boyfriend tomorrow Better not tell you now
8797112 106589 Will Luca Carratu ask me out Tomorrow Most likely
8797111 106589 Will Luca Carratu like me It is certain
8797110 441468 Should i ask someone else My sources say no
8797109 441468 Tomorrow morning It is decidedly so
8797108 441468 Tomorrow afternoon NO!
8797107 441468 Better tomorrow Most likely
8797106 441468 Is today the day Better not tell you now
8797105 441468 Should i do it now My sources say no
8797104 441468 Should o do it now Yes
8797103 441468 What should i do My reply is no
8797102 348112 Color for bonus ball teatime tonight My sources say no
8797101 348112 Brown color bonus teatime Count on it
8797100 556039 Green color for bonus ball teatime Not in a million years
8797099 47239 Orange color for bonus ball teatime Not in a million years
8797098 348112 Yellow for bonus ball teatime It is decidedly so
8797097 336986 What bonus number for teatime My reply is no
8797096 556039 Bonus ball for teatime It is decidedly so
8797095 348112 24 as bonus Signs point to yes
8797094 505828 49 coming back on teatime It is certain
8797091 505828 Will i ever find my soulmate Outlook not so good
8797089 505828 18 bonus ball for teatime Outlook not so good
8797088 505828 18 is coming for teatime today Most likely
8797084 505828 9 is coming on tea time My reply is no
8797082 866281 Will inter miami defeat new england revolution in a football match today 22nd July, 2021? Count on it
8797081 866281 Will kwara united defeat wikki tourist in a football match today 22nd July, 2021? Outlook good
8797068 510787 Did brentford defeat borehamwood in a football match yesterday 21st July, 2021? It is certain
8797046 834798 Do I hate myself Count on it
8797045 834798 Am I depressed Outlook good
8797044 834798 Am I going to be happy Signs point to yes
8797043 834798 Am I going to be happy Concentrate and ask again
8797041 79461 Green colour will drop as bonus ball teatime As I see it, yes
8797040 353980 What is lunch lotto bonus for today Very doubtful
8797039 376425 Today' fafi number Most likely
8797038 353980 What is tea time lotto ball bonus ? Cannot predict now
8797037 353980 Tea bonus ball Yes
8797036 223590 is marianthi on your side Outlook good
8797035 223590 has marianthi explained to my cousin kosta why i acted the way i did As I see it, yes
8797034 223590 has marianthi explained to my cousin kosta why i acted the eay i did Very doubtful
8797033 154612 Will my x-girl friend & get back together Not in a million years
8797032 154612 Will I find true love agian Most likely
8797031 154612 Will I find true love again with another Reply hazy, try again
8797030 223590 is my cousin asthma going to play up It is decidedly so
8797029 223590 Are you happy were you are As I see it, yes
8797028 223590 has sia regretted what she has done by telling you to leave Outlook good
8797027 223590 is my cousin sia going to tell you to move back in with her My sources say no
8797026 223590 has sia regretted what she has done Ask again later
8797025 223590 is nikola and george ģoing to miss you heaps Outlook good