the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8922346 798188 Should I eat hot dogs and ice cream tonight? My reply is no
8922345 854774 am i the master coper As I see it, yes
8922344 854774 is everything i say true Yes
8922342 854774 does sneed wear thigh socks It is certain
8922341 854774 does sneed wear dresses Better not tell you now
8922340 854774 do i wear dresses My sources say no
8922339 854774 is sneed sane Outlook not so good
8922338 854774 am i mentally sane Outlook good
8922337 798188 Is there a reason why I watch cartoons and play sweepstakes at the same time? Without a doubt
8922336 854774 everyone loves sneed Yes
8922335 854774 is sneed the coolest person Not in a million years
8922333 854774 do i like my mother Most likely
8922331 854774 am i incredibly awesome My reply is no
8922330 854774 am i super cool Most likely
8922329 854774 am i an awesome person Not in a million years
8922328 854774 am i a good person Not in a million years
8922326 854774 were my ancestors sus Better not tell you now
8922325 854774 were my ancestors suspicious characters Not in a million years
8922320 854774 vittorio ancestors autistic Count on it
8922318 854774 were my ancestors heterosexual Signs point to yes
8922317 854774 were my ancestors straight Reply hazy, try again
8922315 854774 were my ancestors sissy roman femboys It is decidedly so
8922314 854774 am i roman emperor Signs point to yes
8922313 854774 am i roman super master king of earth Concentrate and ask again
8922312 854774 am i a med super soldier Count on it
8922311 854774 am i an aryan super soldier Outlook not so good
8922310 854774 am i mongolian Very doubtful
8922309 854774 am i a manjew Outlook good
8922308 854774 am i a rabbi Yes
8922307 854774 am i jewish It is certain
8922306 854774 am i manchu Signs point to yes
8922305 854774 is chinaman manchu My reply is no
8922304 854774 sneed men lover Yes
8922303 854774 does xi jinping think sneed is awesome Better not tell you now
8922302 854774 does xi jinping have me on his list of cool people NO!
8922301 854774 is cuddly chinaman vittorio gent all shorter than me Without a doubt
8922299 854774 is natsoc furry roleplay real channel Cannot predict now
8922298 854774 vittorio discord catboy alt It is certain
8922295 639923 do i summon popped popcorn Outlook not so good
8922294 798188 Is K. too blind to see the truth about who I am now? My sources say no
8922293 798188 Will K. see me as an independent, mature man? My reply is no
8922292 798188 Am I the sharpest tool in the shed? Not in a million years
8922291 798188 Am I the sharpest student at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Count on it
8922290 798188 Am I the sharpest student at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Better not tell you now
8922289 798188 Am I the cleanest student at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Most likely
8922288 798188 Am I the freshest and cleanest student at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Very doubtful
8922287 798188 Am I the freshest student at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Outlook good
8922285 798188 Do I live in a beautiful fantasy? It is decidedly so
8922284 798188 Could Mr. Jeff walk several days without food or water? It is decidedly so
8922283 798188 Could I walk several days without food or water? Yes