the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9005772 602247 Will they accept me? Count on it
9005771 763153 I am gorgeous Very doubtful
9005770 763153 Am I pretty ? Outlook good
9005769 763153 I am a genius NO!
9005768 763153 Am i A genius ? Concentrate and ask again
9005767 763153 Am I a brainack? Very doubtful
9005766 763153 Lol am I intelligent? Count on it
9005765 763153 Lol am I intelligent? Cannot predict now
9005764 763153 Hi there it's meee Yes - definitely
9005763 877283 Will these 5 ambassadors bring me in $2,000 a month in sales each? Signs point to yes
9005762 877283 Will these 5 ambassadors bring me in $5,000 a month in sales each? Outlook not so good
9005761 877283 Will I these 5 ambassadors bring me in $5,000 a month in sales each? Yes
9005760 877283 Will I these 5 ambassadors bring me in $25,000 a month in sales! Very doubtful
9005759 877283 Will I book 5 ambassadors? Without a doubt
9005755 394663 Will my friend steal my other friend's crush? It is certain
9005754 394663 Am i gonna win a match? Yes - definitely
9005753 643640 Will be from 30 bonus ball today lunch time Concentrate and ask again
9005752 643640 Lunch time bonus ball will be from 20 range? NO!
9005751 852041 hi guysss please listen to subliminalsss they really workkk and i think its a good thing :))) Signs point to yes
9005748 698579 Well everything go well moving to Santa Fe high school Without a doubt
9005747 698579 Will I be good at Santa Fe Very doubtful
9005746 469421 Should i buy both? It is certain
9005745 469421 Is it really good for me if i keep listening to the same subliminal to grow taller? Without a doubt
9005744 469421 Should i listen to the same subliminal? As I see it, yes
9005743 469421 Is it good if i grow 5 cm taller than i am rn? Signs point to yes
9005742 469421 Should i keep listening to the height subliminal? Not in a million years
9005741 469421 Should i keep listening to the height subliminal? Ask again later
9005738 469421 Is that why i gained some weight? Signs point to yes
9005735 469421 Did i grow? Count on it
9005728 643640 Today lunch time bonus ball will be a 45 digit? My reply is no
9005718 367800 Up or down NO!
9005704 895902 She understood that Count on it
9005703 895902 I called it all off because she didn't understand the first thing I said Outlook good
9005702 895902 Because now I feel alienated Yes
9005701 895902 Did I become walled off from the PCT It is decidedly so
9005700 895902 Did the PCT wall me off from people Reply hazy, try again
9005699 895902 My reasoning to J was all correct and strong Yes
9005697 895902 Will we smoke together As I see it, yes
9005696 895902 Will she an I meet again? Yes - definitely
9005694 895902 It's not my fault I missed out on that It is certain
9005691 763153 Im hopeful to move on finding good people NO!
9005690 895902 Because of these bad times I'm under Count on it
9005689 895902 It would have been impossible for me to reply Without a doubt
9005687 895902 I didn't miss out on anything Outlook not so good
9005686 763153 Awww ..some people.. Really are fake Very doubtful
9005685 895902 I will have another chance My sources say no
9005684 895902 It's more than okay Very doubtful
9005683 895902 It's okay that I didn't My reply is no
9005682 895902 She had wanted me to interact more Without a doubt
9005681 763153 They are very phoney Yes