the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9087209 207224 Will Tami agree to giving me a birthday handjob Outlook good
9087208 207224 Will Tami agree to giving me a massage on my legs Very doubtful
9087207 207224 Will I talk to Madeline in October Outlook not so good
9087206 207224 Would Madeline give me her mouth for my Birthday Signs point to yes
9087205 207224 Would Madeline give me a Lapdance for my birthday Signs point to yes
9087204 207224 Should I tell Madeline I had a naughty dream about her It is certain
9087202 794526 it’s just like the c o k k s u k k i n g weenie all over again Without a doubt
9087200 794526 gotta ignore you since you can’t man up Most likely
9087199 207224 Does Madeline think I lied to her My sources say no
9087198 794526 awww f u k k off then Very doubtful
9087197 794526 he’s gotta man up first My sources say no
9087196 794526 sad - your boy can’t man up It is decidedly so
9087195 207224 Does Madeline want me to come see her My reply is no
9087194 794526 well he can’t man up My sources say no
9087193 207224 Did I lose my feelings for Madeline Not in a million years
9087192 794526 FBI/jew: I guess there’s no threat My reply is no
9087191 207224 Will Madeline be sad if I unfriend her Outlook good
9087190 794526 it looks like your boy can’t man up in the morning Ask again later
9087189 490665 should i get a lawyer Not in a million years
9087188 152127 bir sineğin kanadını bile yapmak aciz olduğu kutsal kitapta yazan zavallılar benimle boy yarışına giriyolar puhahah :D size asla uzun boylu bir biskolata erkeği gelmeyecek amk puhahahah .:D . Better not tell you now
9087187 152127 give to me kiss <3 egı It is decidedly so
9087186 152127 give to me kiss <3 geı Outlook not so good
9087184 152127 give to me kiss kiss <3 Outlook good
9087182 152127 not you fat girl Better not tell you now
9087181 152127 give to me kiss <3 As I see it, yes
9087179 207224 Will Madeline call me Signs point to yes
9087178 207224 Does Madeline want to be my girlfriend My reply is no
9087177 207224 Is Madeline sad that things ended NO!
9087176 207224 Does Madeline spy on my Facebook NO!
9087175 654410 should i send it? Without a doubt
9087150 166760 Kötüyüz demek ne haddimize! Rabbimizin kuluyuz o nasıl isterse biz öyle oluruz hamd olsun Rabbimize <3 Very doubtful
9087149 166760 Şükür Rabbimize bizi yoktan var eden Yüce Zata milyonlarca kez şükürler olsun <3 It is decidedly so
9087148 166760 Şükür Rabbimize <3 My reply is no
9087147 482530 Will god take her home soon My sources say no
9087146 482530 It is because she feels I have alot Signs point to yes
9087145 482530 Is she so jealous of me Yes
9087144 741173 Two numbers As I see it, yes
9087141 166760 Love me back honey =) Outlook good
9087140 653416 Is number 2 the bonus ball for today lunchtime the magic ball? My sources say no
9087139 653416 Is number 3 the bonus ball for today lunchtime the magic ball? It is certain
9087138 653416 Is number 8 the bonus ball for today lunchtime the magic ball? Concentrate and ask again
9087137 653416 Is number 21 the bonus ball for today lunchtime the magic ball? Yes - definitely
9087136 771936 Will S and I move in together? Outlook good
9087135 66767 Will jan stevens hizon go to the celestial kingdom of heaven when he passes? It is certain
9087134 66767 Is jan stevens hizon going to the celestial kingdom of heaven when he passes? My reply is no
9087133 66767 Is jan stevens hizon going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? My reply is no
9087132 66767 Is jan hizon going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Outlook not so good
9087131 66767 Is jan hizon going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Concentrate and ask again
9087130 944832 Is World War 3 coming really soon? Outlook not so good
9087129 944832 Is there going to be a World War 3? Signs point to yes