the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9127500 27873 Will Gerard be better friends with jack NO!
9127488 791441 Da li me postuje Dejan Spasojevic Without a doubt
9127487 791441 Da li me postujes Dejan Spasojevic Without a doubt
9127486 791441 Da li me postujes direktor Outlook not so good
9127485 791441 Da li se svidjam direktoru Better not tell you now
9127484 819532 Are there any negative answers Better not tell you now
9127483 819532 Is the Quantum realm where our higher selves exist? Signs point to yes
9127482 819532 Is it meant to be As I see it, yes
9127481 819532 Should I stay Outlook good
9127480 791441 Da li sam draga Dejanu As I see it, yes
9127479 791441 Da li sam simpatična direktoru NO!
9127478 791441 Da li sam simpatična ditžrektoru Yes - definitely
9127477 375470 Is my passport still with me in my room? Not in a million years
9127472 574319 Do I have something within me blocking my breakthrough Better not tell you now
9127471 574319 Will my relationship with Oriah last for 2years Yes
9127470 574319 Will my relationship with Oriah last for 3 years My reply is no
9127469 574319 Am I a prophetess It is decidedly so
9127468 574319 Can I be trusted Yes
9127467 574319 Am I a good person Not in a million years
9127466 574319 Should I continue going to that church Most likely
9127465 574319 Can I trust my spiritual parents Outlook good
9127464 574319 Will I get married to Oriah Outlook not so good
9127463 574319 Can Mohau be trusted It is certain
9127462 574319 Does Oriah love me Without a doubt
9127458 981307 Can you give me 3 numbers for tea Count on it
9127457 981307 Can l have cold balls for tea time NO!
9127456 981307 Can l have 2 numbers plus bonus for tea time Signs point to yes
9127455 791441 Da li sam ucinila ispravno Most likely
9127454 981307 Which colour bonus ball for tonight? Count on it
9127453 791441 Da li sam ucinila dobro As I see it, yes
9127452 791441 Da li sam trebala to da ucinim My sources say no
9127451 791441 Da li direktor postujes moje zalaganje It is certain
9127450 791441 Da li ovaj covek misli da sam hrabra My sources say no
9127436 878715 send thank you message? Outlook good
9127435 878715 send the message Outlook not so good
9127434 791441 Da li ce mi povecati It is decidedly so
9127433 791441 Da li sam trebala da pitam As I see it, yes
9127432 791441 Da li je ovo blam Count on it
9127431 791441 Da li je sve u redi It is decidedly so
9127422 456227 Is Hakim a good person? Not in a million years
9127421 763153 Funny hunny Outlook good
9127420 40577 Will Malcom move on? Yes - definitely
9127419 40577 Will Malcom move on? Ask again later
9127418 40577 Is Malcom in love with me? It is decidedly so
9127417 40577 Does Malcom love me? Yes
9127416 40577 Does Malcom still want a relationship with me? As I see it, yes
9127415 40577 Is Malcom still talking to his ex girlfriend? Without a doubt
9127411 40577 Did Malcom invite a girl yesterday to kb house? Very doubtful
9127410 40577 Did Malcom think of me yesterday at kb house? NO!
9127409 40577 Did Malcom think of me yesterday at kb house? Better not tell you now