the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9157337 355317 Today hot bonus ball for lunchtime Without a doubt
9157336 103858 10 will play on next draw lunchtime uk49 tomorrow As I see it, yes
9157326 688892 12_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Outlook good
9157325 688892 12_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Concentrate and ask again
9157324 688892 13_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Signs point to yes
9157323 688892 31_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Not in a million years
9157322 688892 38_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Most likely
9157321 944138 Will we get our tenants next week? Outlook good
9157320 944138 Can I trust Alla? Yes
9157319 944138 Is Alla trustworthy? My reply is no
9157305 591884 Do Black females go to jail for targeting, and harassing Black males? Yes
9157304 245148 Should I jerk of time blondes NO!
9157301 669318 Can I see the balls with color brown Ask again later
9157300 100045 She talking to him My sources say no
9157292 391101 will I be good? Signs point to yes
9157289 391101 If you see Kay why owe you? Outlook not so good
9157288 391101 Will I be okay? NO!
9157286 596326 Is Evelyn ignoring my comments It is certain
9157275 561406 Did Roland get me pregnant Cannot predict now
9157274 561406 Am I pregnant My reply is no
9157273 561406 Did I conceive Reply hazy, try again
9157272 416256 Does James want me back? Count on it
9157271 254345 did he fall asleep next to me Yes
9157270 254345 was mike trying to see if I was seeing anyone Without a doubt
9157269 254345 will I have a date for valentines day Count on it
9157268 206509 Da li cu poloziti ispit sutra Yes
9157267 416256 Will James and I be a couple? My sources say no
9157266 1232 Is that part of the project? It is certain
9157265 1232 Maybe it's my bestie? Yes
9157264 1232 Is it SF that wants it? My sources say no
9157263 1232 Is it common? Most likely
9157262 1232 Does GGG want that in secret? It is certain
9157261 1232 Fggg hyg gggsi? My sources say no
9157260 1232 Fggg gggvgvgygvgyg ygygt? Most likely
9157259 1232 Are you sure about me? Yes - definitely
9157258 591884 Do Black men who ruined their own people’s careers get their basketball, rap, and hip-hop careers destroyed? Most likely
9157257 1232 Does hgg want to eat me? Cannot predict now
9157256 1232 FFF ggg ygfff? It is decidedly so
9157255 1232 GGGvhgg hvvgv vggg? Concentrate and ask again
9157254 1232 Prepare for... I don't know Cannot predict now
9157253 991218 Does Megan want a corgi Count on it
9157252 1232 Is everyone else on a scavenger hunt? Count on it
9157251 1232 Fggg hvv vv hvvv? It is certain
9157250 1232 Even GGG was afraid of something like that? Concentrate and ask again
9157246 1232 Was fff too afraid? GGG Yes - definitely
9157245 336813 Will I have a date in 14th Not in a million years
9157244 336813 Did he think I was on a date Very doubtful
9157243 11745 Daniela talking to the guy Most likely
9157242 622887 Will Gerard and I ever get back together Very doubtful
9157241 622887 Should we move back up to Aberdeen Most likely