the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9208000 763153 Well kinda . but I m.a tiny bit paranoid NO!
9207999 763153 Im no more a paranoid schizophrenic Most likely
9207998 763153 Gotta admit it. Its fun being an angel girl . I m magic Signs point to yes
9207997 763153 Lol yeah I will . I have eyes. I see things It is certain
9207996 763153 Careful , or ill unleash the wrath of God on you!!! My reply is no
9207995 763153 Lol you know it My reply is no
9207994 763153 Im sooo truly an angel Concentrate and ask again
9207993 763153 Lol im puuuerfrct Outlook not so good
9207992 763153 Nah?No saint?Then im an angel Without a doubt
9207991 763153 Lmao. Gotta admit it . im a Saint My sources say no
9207990 763153 You are being bad Very doubtful
9207989 763153 You are being bad Better not tell you now
9207988 763153 I see you !! Yes
9207987 763153 Im watching you Reply hazy, try again
9207986 763153 I have eyes Most likely
9207985 763153 Lol I m a huge telepathic Yes - definitely
9207984 763153 Lol nope. I know things . I read minds Yes - definitely
9207983 763153 No? So you missed me?? Ask again later
9207982 763153 You better missed me. If your not , then your hacking me and your in trouble Very doubtful
9207981 763153 You missed me? I have been gone weeks Outlook good
9207980 763153 Its very stinky . thank goodness my perfume covers it Count on it
9207979 763153 I tooted. It was ripe and rancid Not in a million years
9207978 763153 Well in about 2 hours As I see it, yes
9207977 763153 Lol its almost dinner It is decidedly so
9207976 763153 Lol im leaving you ..forever Yes
9207975 763153 Im leaving your butt Outlook not so good
9207974 763153 As soon as I can go . im out Count on it
9207973 763153 Im leaving you . As I see it, yes
9207972 763153 Lol I am so Not in a million years
9207971 763153 Really? Im leaving that poop hole ? My reply is no
9207970 763153 Am I moving? It is certain
9207969 763153 Letting go? Reply hazy, try again
9207968 763153 Ok im waiting Outlook not so good
9207967 763153 Lol nah?Ok . then you do it It is decidedly so
9207966 763153 I make awesome things Not in a million years
9207965 763153 I don't know why, but im a good cook Very doubtful
9207964 763153 Lol its super cool Most likely
9207963 763153 Im finished my chores . life is great Not in a million years
9207962 763153 I need my own feet . im scared Yes - definitely
9207961 763153 I don't know what to do Count on it
9207960 763153 I lost a little bit of my weight It is certain
9207959 763153 I try and cleaned that wound myself. I don't know why its not healing Most likely
9207958 763153 Its like raw meat Ask again later
9207957 763153 I have been in my boot . its not helping. Outlook good
9207956 763153 I need help healing my foot As I see it, yes
9207955 763153 My foot still bleeds NO!
9207954 763153 I hate pain. I feel good except for that My reply is no
9207953 763153 Im tired just a little bit Better not tell you now
9207952 763153 Lol nope. No doubts . im in a little pain. It is decidedly so
9207951 763153 Im tired of this. My back hurts . Very doubtful