the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9288634 495956 Will he email me soon It is certain
9288633 495956 Will this time now make him realise how much he loves me It is certain
9288632 495956 Did he miss being with me As I see it, yes
9288631 495956 Is he excited to come here and be with me Most likely
9288630 495956 Are we good Count on it
9288629 495956 Will we refuse to be broken It is decidedly so
9288628 495956 Is something trying to break us It is certain
9288627 495956 Did he lose connection right away It is certain
9288626 495956 Could he have called me earlier when he messaged Outlook not so good
9288625 495956 Does he know he could have done more My sources say no
9288624 495956 Will I hear from him soon It is certain
9288623 495956 Will he prove to me that I don't need to worry NO!
9288622 495956 Do I have something to worry about NO!
9288621 495956 Should I just relax My sources say no
9288620 495956 Do I need to relax Concentrate and ask again
9288619 495956 Is he getting things done Concentrate and ask again
9288618 495956 Is he home rn Signs point to yes
9288617 495956 Is he being completely honest Most likely
9288616 495956 Is he lying to me about some of it My sources say no
9288615 495956 Will he call me tomorrow Most likely
9288614 495956 Will he call me tonight My sources say no
9288613 495956 Does he qant to call me My reply is no
9288612 495956 Is he missing me now Most likely
9288611 495956 Will I hear from him soom Signs point to yes
9288610 495956 Will he fly on 1st dec Yes
9288607 495956 Will he fly on 24th nov Very doubtful
9288603 495956 Will we get pport the following week Concentrate and ask again
9288602 495956 Will we get decision next week too It is certain
9288601 495956 Will ours take a little longer Outlook good
9288600 495956 Will we get our yes around 2 weeks from bio Outlook not so good
9288599 495956 Will we get eco email tomorrow It is decidedly so
9288598 495956 Does he love me Without a doubt
9288597 495956 Does he miss me It is certain
9288596 495956 Is he feeling bad now Yes - definitely
9288595 495956 Will he call me today Outlook good
9288594 495956 Will he message me today It is certain
9288593 495956 Will he email me again today Outlook not so good
9288592 495956 Will I hear from him again today Cannot predict now
9288591 205725 Will I win money tonight at bingo My sources say no
9288589 925903 Chess game Outlook not so good
9288588 925903 Am I the smartest person in school Ask again later
9288587 495956 Was he showing me messages My sources say no
9288586 495956 Was he showing me battery My sources say no
9288585 421540 Will I win in the next game? Outlook good
9288584 495956 Has he seen that message Without a doubt
9288583 495956 Will he say sorry My sources say no
9288582 495956 Will he call me when he calms down Yes - definitely
9288581 495956 Will we be ok Without a doubt
9288580 495956 Will he apologise Without a doubt
9288579 495956 Will he call me soon My sources say no