the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9359495 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Psychic Chrissyxo Jamaica Omar o Wallace me gone for good and done Outlook good
9359494 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Psychic Chrissyxo Jamaica Omar o Wallace me gone for good and done Reply hazy, try again
9359493 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Psychic Chrissyxo Jamaica Omar o Wallace me gone for good and done Reply hazy, try again
9359492 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Pych Chrissyxo Jamaica Omar o Wallace me gone for good and done My reply is no
9359491 525702 Pych Chrissyxo Jamaica Omar o Wallace me gone for good and done Very doubtful
9359490 506363 Is my offer for the house going to be accepted? Yes - definitely
9359489 554548 Should I get one? Most likely
9359488 525702 Chrissyxo Jamaica Omar o Wallace me gone for good and done NO!
9359487 525702 Chrissyxo Jamaica Omar o Wallace me gone for good Outlook not so good
9359486 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell W Late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted, Jamaican Omar o Wallace contact me later truth absolutely, lying really, lost me Most likely
9359485 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted, Jamaican Omar o Wallace contact me later truth absolutely, lying really, lost me It is certain
9359484 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted, Jamaican Omar o Wallace contact me later truth absolutely, lying really, lost Signs point to yes
9359483 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted, Jamaican Omar o Wallace contact me later truth absolutely, lying really Count on it
9359482 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted, Jamaican Omar o Wallace contact me later truth absolutely, lyingreally It is decidedly so
9359481 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted, Jamaican Omar o Wallace contact me later truth absolutely, really NO!
9359480 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted, Jamaican Omar o Wallace contact me later truth absolutely Reply hazy, try again
9359479 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, me don't contacted Yes - definitely
9359478 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, don't me contacted Reply hazy, try again
9359477 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, don't contacted Yes
9359476 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, don't contact Very doubtful
9359475 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me as friends truth absolutely really, Outlook not so good
9359474 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaican kevosh Grey and Jamaican Elijah Wallace and Jamaican Omar o wallace contacted me friends truth absolutely really, NO!
9359473 525702 In name of Jesus amen, late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey and Jamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Omar o wallace contacted me friends truth absolutely really, Very doubtful
9359472 554548 Should I go? Yes
9359471 525702 late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey and Jamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Omar o wallace contacted me friends truth absolutely really, It is certain
9359470 525702 late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey and Jamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Omar o wallace contacted me friends truth absolutely really, Ask again later
9359469 525702 ll Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey and Jamaica Elijah Wallace and Jamaica Omar o wallace contacted me friends truth absolutely really, Without a doubt
9359468 525702 ll Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey and Jamaica Elijah Wallace contacted me friends truth absolutely really, My reply is no
9359467 525702 late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey contacted me friends truth absolutely really, NO!
9359466 525702 late Wardell Smith, Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey contacted me friends truth absolutely really, Concentrate and ask again
9359465 525702 Prophet Brian carn, Jamaica kevosh Grey contacted me friends truth absolutely really My reply is no
9359464 525702 Jamaica kevosh Grey contacted me friends truth absolutely really Yes
9359463 525702 Jamaica kevosh Grey contacted me friends really NO!
9359462 525702 Jamaica kevosh Grey contacted me friend really Not in a million years
9359461 1009401 Am I going to receive a promotion by the end of June? My sources say no
9359460 1009401 Is she going to call off the wedding? Very doubtful
9359459 1009401 Are we going to get the house? Without a doubt
9359458 49730 Is Andrew Gregory likes me My sources say no
9359457 49730 Is Andrew have feelings for me Cannot predict now
9359456 272033 Lol , yes I do Better not tell you now
9359455 272033 Letting my hair dry , I just hope it looks good My sources say no
9359454 272033 I just feel better now than I had all day ! Signs point to yes
9359453 272033 I think I solved my hair problems Signs point to yes
9359452 272033 I will be better Concentrate and ask again
9359451 272033 I’m going to really take better care of my myself Yes - definitely
9359450 272033 I just love a warm shower Outlook good
9359449 272033 I’m really doing better today It is decidedly so
9359448 272033 I’m wanting to paint my nails tonight Better not tell you now
9359447 272033 I love It, being fresh Count on it
9359446 272033 It’s 7 and my chores for today are done Outlook not so good