the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9360028 125422 to save the country republicans most win Not in a million years
9360027 125422 will the republicans win Outlook not so good
9360026 125422 will the demicrats loose My reply is no
9360025 125422 will the United States Be saved As I see it, yes
9360024 125422 will the Unitad States be saved Signs point to yes
9360023 125422 will the America be saved Cannot predict now
9360022 125422 will things continue going my way Yes - definitely
9360021 125422 will things start going my way NO!
9360020 498369 Should I tell people about my engagement? Without a doubt
9360019 305971 Will Kimberly Reger become my loving companion and girlfriend? Signs point to yes
9360018 305971 Am I soon going to get a good job at Home Depot? Outlook good
9360011 364828 Do girls intentionally try to make me feel horny? Without a doubt
9360010 328425 Do I send that? Yes
9360009 328425 Is this good? Concentrate and ask again
9360008 328425 Do I text now? It is decidedly so
9360007 255607 he’s content with his sonic dumpster Without a doubt
9360006 255607 he’s just a dirt bag Not in a million years
9360005 255607 the dogs go finding him there and he rubs them Count on it
9360004 255607 his spot behind the dumpster has brought him much relief Not in a million years
9360003 255607 he lives behind the dumpster at the Sonic It is certain
9360002 255607 returning the conversation back to the loser who couldn’t be a drug dealer Very doubtful
9360001 255607 xenia resembles megan My sources say no
9360000 255607 megan reminds me of the blonde Scandinavian warrior princess in lord fouls bane Most likely
9359999 255607 megan was too pretty for bobberan Signs point to yes
9359998 255607 I guess bobberan tried drugging her and then holding her Cannot predict now
9359997 255607 megan turned 9 in november 1999 Most likely
9359996 255607 and that loser tried talking to megan bc me and megan were playing hide and go seek under the covers downstairs on Clarkson lane Not in a million years
9359995 766891 Will Tanja and I makeout again Better not tell you now
9359994 766891 Will Tanja and I do that again My reply is no
9359993 255607 the daughter of terry ceretto’s sister It is decidedly so
9359992 255607 megan is a blonde in rapid city It is certain
9359991 255607 they tried talking to my girlfriend like her name was megan Outlook good
9359990 255607 him and bobberan must miss the family or something. I told them to leave and find other people to help NO!
9359989 255607 he does gigs in front of old Scandinavian nurses and they get grossed out by his weird body and michelle brownie starts laughing Outlook not so good
9359988 255607 that ugly loser there in the graduation sash NEVER studied computer science at harvard blackkokopelliatASU Without a doubt
9359987 255607 everybody keeps screaming “ f u k k your face, loser ! “ . he’s going to eat from the grease dumpster later It is decidedly so
9359986 255607 the ugly c o k k s u k k e r from apartment R2D2 has been putting his ugly face and head into those holes in the ground Without a doubt
9359985 255607 michelle brownie wants to push him in Very doubtful
9359984 255607 vincent the ugly loser ( the riverside weenie ) has started exploring utility pole holes. he knows there’s a hamburger down there for him It is decidedly so
9359983 255607 I had a girlfriend at the clock tower gardens. she was really old and still hot looking. she had a blue toyota rav4… Concentrate and ask again
9359982 255607 I’m not part black at all Outlook not so good
9359980 812077 4 is coming out on teatime uk49 today April Most likely
9359979 343188 16 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Without a doubt
9359978 413568 In name of Jesus amen, India anil mohair searched for me because of Jamaica Omar o wallace truth absolutely, really, lying Yes
9359977 413568 India anil mohair searched for me because of Jamaica Omar o wallace truth absolutely, really, lying Most likely
9359976 413568 India anil mohair searched for me because of Jamaica Omar o wallace truth absolutely, really My sources say no
9359975 413568 India anil mohair searched for me because of Jamaica Omar o wallace truth absolutely It is certain
9359974 413568 India anil mohair searched for me because Jamaica Omar o wallace truth My sources say no
9359973 997969 should i go out tonight My reply is no
9359972 866357 India anil mohair searched for me truth Count on it