the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361711 172946 Should I really smoke tonight? Reply hazy, try again
9361710 172946 Should I smoke tonight ? Yes
9361709 172946 Should I smoke weed tonight? Outlook not so good
9361708 618247 Is my mom going to die in her sleep in 2 days? Count on it
9361707 655483 should i date bella Ask again later
9361706 655483 should i date bella? Concentrate and ask again
9361705 618247 Is my mom going to die in her sleep tonight? NO!
9361704 655483 should i get with bella NO!
9361703 655483 should i get with annabella My sources say no
9361702 618247 Is my mom going to die this week? Yes - definitely
9361701 618247 Will my mom pass away in her sleep this week? Most likely
9361700 655483 should i break up with emily Without a doubt
9361699 618247 Will my mom pass away in her sleep tonight? Outlook good
9361698 618247 Will my mom pass away this week? Most likely
9361697 618247 Will my mom pass away in 2 days? Not in a million years
9361696 618247 Will my mom pass away on this Sunday? Not in a million years
9361695 618247 Will my mom pass away in a few days? It is decidedly so
9361694 272033 No child would want to be born to a sadistic kller! Very doubtful
9361693 272033 The apple rarely falls far from the tree ! Think about it !! Most likely
9361692 272033 I’m all for abortion!! Especially if it’s a doctors seed Outlook good
9361691 675060 Does Rogers Canada shut down this year? Most likely
9361690 272033 Those are the worst pieces of trash!!!That should be snorted NO!
9361689 272033 Why let them be born !? It is decidedly so
9361688 272033 Their kids are the future of sadistic tendencies Outlook good
9361687 272033 I hate them , with everything in me Very doubtful
9361686 272033 If a doctor deliberately with intention sadistically tortured and is responsible for the rape of a woman! He should be executed Yes
9361685 272033 If a doctor deliberately with intention sadistically tortured and is responsible for the rape of a woman! He should be executed Concentrate and ask again
9361684 272033 Let’s be real honest!! In death a doctor won’t be needed! There’s no sickness in heaven, Most likely
9361683 272033 They are demonic!!!Why be born?So they can sadistically torture a patient? My sources say no
9361682 272033 I’m dead serious It is certain
9361681 272033 I’ve learned doctors? Are some of the most immoral and corrupt pieces of poop ever, they are poster boys why abortion should be legal NO!
9361680 272033 Geeks and freaks Most likely
9361679 272033 Geeks and freaks Ask again later
9361678 272033 Most doctors are losers with money NO!
9361677 272033 He should have been man enough to finish the kll Without a doubt
9361676 272033 I’m just tired of fighting the evil Very doubtful
9361675 272033 I’m 55 ! I’m too old My sources say no
9361674 272033 You ruined my life Very doubtful
9361673 272033 There’s no one left ! You won ! I give up Very doubtful
9361672 272033 I finally lost 105 lbs!! But I’m old , it’s too late Outlook not so good
9361671 272033 It’s heartbreaking It is certain
9361670 272033 I’m done being strung along Without a doubt
9361669 272033 He’s not poor!! He’s cheaon Better not tell you now
9361668 272033 He’s not poor!! He’s cheaon Cannot predict now
9361667 272033 I honestly don’t want him My reply is no
9361666 272033 He is self absorbed!! Im tired of it My reply is no
9361665 272033 If he’s a barometer for the future of men? Our country is screwed Signs point to yes
9361664 272033 The guy is dull Not in a million years
9361663 272033 Yea ! I honestly don’t want him It is decidedly so
9361662 272033 It will be a cold day in hell before I’ll ever let him touch me My sources say no