the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9373271 261533 Would Morgan agree to go on a date with me My sources say no
9373270 261533 Would Sadie agree to go out on a date with me Not in a million years
9373266 261533 Would Morgan and Sadie have a threesome with me Not in a million years
9373265 261533 Does Sadie think I'm handsome As I see it, yes
9373264 261533 Does Sadie think I'm hot My sources say no
9373263 261533 Does Morgan think I'm hot Yes
9373262 261533 Does Sadie at gamestop think I'm hot It is certain
9373261 261533 Does Morgan at gamestop like me NO!
9373260 433745 Louie is crying to his mom Outlook good
9373259 433745 Louie is slowly Outlook not so good
9373258 433745 Louie with his mom Better not tell you now
9373257 433745 Louie at the rbnb Yes
9373256 507602 Will I see giovanni in Tauranga? Yes - definitely
9373255 433745 Louie crying to his mother NO!
9373254 433745 Louie crying to his mom Outlook good
9373253 433745 Louie is sleeping Without a doubt
9373252 433745 Louie told his mother what he said Outlook good
9373251 433745 Louie is busy Outlook not so good
9373250 433745 Louie is crying It is certain
9373249 433745 Louie is hurting It is certain
9373248 680949 Am I going to succeed with mining crypto currency? Yes
9373247 506363 Am I going to be the best executive director the organization will ever have? Without a doubt
9373246 506363 Will my boss either resign or be removed within the next two months and will I be selected as her permanent replacement by the end of the year? Count on it
9373245 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1388 days Without a doubt
9373244 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1387 days Yes - definitely
9373243 506363 Will everything work out as I want it to happen at work? It is certain
9373242 506363 Will M give me the job? As I see it, yes
9373241 506363 Will D give me the job? My sources say no
9373240 506363 Will M force D out this year? It is certain
9373239 506363 Will M force D out before September 2024? My reply is no
9373238 506363 Is M going to force D out? It is certain
9373237 506363 Does M know D should lose her job? Yes
9373236 506363 Does everyone know that D is incompetent and cannot adequately perform her job duties? Most likely
9373235 506363 Is D incompetent and awful at her job? Outlook not so good
9373234 506363 Is D terrible at her job? Cannot predict now
9373233 741248 Is Renee going do something to my ass It is certain
9373232 741248 Is Renee going to drink with me My sources say no
9373231 741248 Is me and Renee going to drink together Very doubtful
9373230 506363 Am I going to get D's job after she loses it? Without a doubt
9373229 506363 Am I going to get D's job when she's fires? My sources say no
9373228 506363 Will D be fired within the next 2 months? Signs point to yes
9373227 506363 Is D going to still be in her job at the beginning of next year? My sources say no
9373226 506363 Is D going to still be in her current job by January 1, 2025? Better not tell you now
9373225 506363 Is D going to lose her job this year? Outlook not so good
9373224 506363 Is D going to lose her job by August 1st? My reply is no
9373223 670733 should i smoke tonight Outlook good
9373222 670733 should i smoke tonight Cannot predict now
9373221 670733 should i smoke tonight or go on my tolerance break Count on it
9373220 670733 should i smoke tonight? Reply hazy, try again
9373219 788069 Am I Marlee Cherry pregnant Most likely