the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9374438 285020 Will Francois get me a job Yes
9374437 285020 Will Calie come good Very doubtful
9374436 285020 Can I repair things with Steve It is certain
9374435 285020 Will Steve leave It is certain
9374434 285020 Can I win him over NO!
9374433 285020 Does Steve rate me My sources say no
9374432 285020 Will Steve be happy with the change of leadership My sources say no
9374431 285020 Will I be able to bring it back Concentrate and ask again
9374430 285020 Will the team be happy I’m taking iver Yes
9374429 285020 Will fcv get me a good job at Olympic Outlook not so good
9374428 285020 Can I do this Yes
9374427 285020 Will I be able to work a 40hr week Without a doubt
9374426 285020 Will I get more money Without a doubt
9374425 285020 Have I made a mistake taking this on Most likely
9374424 460739 I going to win any money from PCH soon ? Most likely
9374423 231046 late Cecily Tyson, In name of Jesus amen, Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really, me, really, Yes - definitely
9374422 231046 In name of Jesus amen, Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really, me, really, devil Very doubtful
9374421 231046 In name of Jesus amen, Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really, me, really, lying Not in a million years
9374420 231046 In name of Jesus amen, Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really, me, really NO!
9374419 231046 In name of Jesus amen, Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really, me Not in a million years
9374418 231046 Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really, me It is decidedly so
9374417 231046 Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really It is decidedly so
9374416 231046 Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely, really Cannot predict now
9374415 231046 Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady, truth absolutely Outlook not so good
9374414 231046 Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar Wallace o gotta another lady My sources say no
9374413 231046 Haitian belle fanm kreyol jealous Jamaica omar o gotta another lady Ask again later
9374412 429628 Should I text him My reply is no
9374411 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica lina Wallace not happy with no relationship Haitian belle Fanm kreyol behaviour, Jamaica Omar o Wallace knows sleeping Spanish guy tonight truth, absolutely, really, June 19, 2024 Signs point to yes
9374410 823658 should I text him Not in a million years
9374409 683753 it lasted until May of 2011 when marilyn neubert declared it over, saying law enforcement does NOT control us on the west side of town ( rapid city ) Without a doubt
9374408 683753 all of this is well known. it worked just fine before you jews started that weenie police operation of May 2008. Signs point to yes
9374407 683753 this is a country of goodness and ideals, people strive to be productive and to be their best. Yes
9374406 683753 law enforcement has to be de-emphasized. Cannot predict now
9374405 683753 we'll put together a list , a to-do list Outlook good
9374404 683753 looks like you jewish people have to start taking care of your country The United States instead of being loser weenies with a loser weenie agenda. My sources say no
9374403 716711 Are people in China going to be drafted into their military against their will? Outlook not so good
9374402 921181 ¿Dices siempre la verdad? Very doubtful
9374401 921181 ¿Va a estar bien el TAC de mi padre? My reply is no
9374400 683654 am i lucky NO!
9374399 683654 will i go to the jail NO!
9374398 683654 Will i go to universty Signs point to yes
9374397 685376 Will I be the sole winner of tonight’s entire Mega Millions Jackpot? Without a doubt
9374396 685376 Will I be the sole winner of tonight’s entire Mega Millions Jackpot? Ask again later
9374395 685376 Will I actually go to jail? My reply is no
9374394 685376 Will I go to jail? It is certain
9374393 933104 Does the government want to attack me just as much as Donald Trump? Count on it
9374392 147995 Does Darion see a serious relationship with me? Yes - definitely
9374391 147995 Does Darion want a serious relationship? Outlook good
9374390 147995 Is Darion intentionally dating? Not in a million years
9374389 147995 Is Darion full of games? Yes - definitely