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ID Número anónimo Pregunta Respuesta
2532843 557081 Please Know I don’t mean what I say I’m just being independent by pushing you away Puedes confiar en eso
2532842 557081 Know that I don’t mean what I say when angry I’m just being independent by pushing you away No puedo predecirlo ahora
2532841 557081 Know I don’t mean what I say I’m just being independent by pushing you away Probablemente
2532840 557081 Know that I don’t mean what I say I’m just being independent by pushing you away Es cierto
2532839 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back home, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work Sí - definitivamente
2532838 557081 I hate fighting with you, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work Mi respuesta es no
2532837 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work Focus Sí - definitivamente
2532836 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work I love you Será mejor que no te lo diga ahora
2532835 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work Mis fuentes me dicen que no
2532834 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a long lasting loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work
2532833 557081 I hate fighting, but we both have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work No!
2532832 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, our love will grow deeper, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work Muy dudoso
2532831 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you from work Los signos enseñan que sí
2532830 41629 Le caemos mal a la Kimberly? Mi respuesta es no
2532829 41629 Le caemos mal a la Johanna? Mi respuesta es no
2532828 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you Just know that I recognize my flaws and will work towards getting better Es cierto
2532827 41629 La caemos mal a la Kimberly? Respuesta vaga, vuelve a intentarlo
2532826 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you Know that I recognize my flaws No!
2532825 557081 I hate fighting, we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you Respuesta vaga, vuelve a intentarlo
2532824 41629 La Kimberly y la Johanna nos van a dejar jugar a saltar la cuerda? Es decididamente así
2532823 557081 I hate fighting, makes me ugly but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again, when it comes to communicating Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you Parece bien
2532822 557081 I hate fighting, it’s ugly, I feel and look ugly, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you Será mejor que no te lo diga ahora
2532821 41629 Hoy es el cumpleaños de el Miguel Zamorano? Las perspectivas no son buenas
2532820 557081 I hate fighting, but we both come from different families, we have different upbringings, this is much needed so we can work on ourselves individually as well together and I know for sure it’ll end up in a loving relationship, we just have to bear with each other, be patient, understanding and raise each other again. Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you Los signos enseñan que sí
2532819 557081 Let’s talk when you get back home, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you, I love you Probablemente
2532818 557081 Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some studying, don’t let me distract you, I love you Sí - definitivamente
2532817 557081 Let’s talk when you get back, I’ll do some research, don’t let me distract you, I love you Parece bien
2532816 557081 Let’s talk when you are back I’ll do some research, I don’t want to distract you, I love you Es cierto
2532815 557081 Let’s talk when you are back I’ll do some research, I don’t want distract you from work Es cierto
2532814 557081 Let’s talk when you are back I’ll do some research, I don’t want distract you Las perspectivas no son buenas
2532813 557081 Let’s talk when you are back I’ll do some research, I don’t want to get in the way of work Es cierto
2532812 557081 Let’s talk when you are back I’ll do some research, I don’t want to get in the way of your work No cuentes con ello
2532811 557081 Anyways we can keep talking later I don’t want to interrupt your work day No puedo predecirlo ahora
2532810 557081 Anyways we can talk about this later I don’t want to interrupt your work Es cierto
2532809 557081 Anyways we can discuss this later I don’t want to interrupt your work No puedo predecirlo ahora
2532808 557081 I don’t know how to deal with anger I never felt it before towards someone or I just neglected it, now I understand that it’s not me when I’m angry, my parents dealt with anger all the time and insulting screaming and fighting was there way to deal with it Sin duda
2532807 557081 I don’t know how to deal with anger I never felt it before or I neglected it, now I understand that it’s not me when I’m angry, my parents dealt with anger all the time and insulting screaming and fighting was there way to deal with it Concéntrate y pregunta otra vez
2532806 189235 Luis Antonio faña Bautista va a volver a ser amoroso conmigo No puedo predecirlo ahora
2532805 189235 Luis Antonio faña Bautista le gusta que confío en el Sin duda
2532804 189235 Luis Antonio faña Bautista hoy va a llegar a dormir conmigo Como lo veo, sí
2532803 557081 It would mean for me to step aside, take a breath and analyze what I’m feeling and what should I do with that feeling. Como lo veo, sí
2532802 557081 It would mean for me to stop, step aside, take a breath and analyze what I’m feeling and what should I do with that feeling. Parece bien
2532801 557081 It would mean for me to stop, take a breath and analyze what I’m feeling and what should I do with that feeling. Anger is not something I have dealt with ever till now, and I assume that because of how my parents dealt with it I now don’t know any other way of handling it Mi respuesta es no
2532800 557081 It would mean for me to stop, take a breath and analyze what I’m feeling and what should I do with that feeling Los signos enseñan que sí
2532799 557081 It would mean for me to take a moment to analyze what I’m feeling and what should I do with that feeling Respuesta vaga, vuelve a intentarlo
2532798 557081 It would mean for me to stop and analyze what I’m feeling and what should I do with that feeling Los signos enseñan que sí
2532797 557081 El safe word tiene que ser usado por Aidan Sí - definitivamente
2532796 557081 Que el safe word sea rose Puedes confiar en eso
2532795 557081 Que el safe word sea flower Mi respuesta es no
2532794 557081 Que el safeword sea shower Las perspectivas no son buenas