the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8512974 439912 is sakura useless Count on it
8512973 439912 is sakura useless Better not tell you now
8512972 439912 am i crazy Without a doubt
8512971 439912 is Dio dead? Yes
8512970 439912 is Dio coming back to jotaro Most likely
8512969 439912 am i already dead Better not tell you now
8512968 439912 are Dio and Jotaro engaged Yes
8512965 439912 Who posted the latest hermit craft episode Outlook good
8512964 177964 Will Kareem call me back Ask again later
8512956 177964 Did Kareem see my call It is decidedly so
8512955 803891 Will Eddie and Shannon get married It is decidedly so
8512954 803891 Will Eddie and Shannon get married Not in a million years
8512953 803891 Will Eddie and Shannon get married Most likely
8512952 803891 Will Eddie and Shannon get married My reply is no
8512950 52270 Will I regret for asking to be assigned for my interests? It is certain
8512949 52270 Will I regret for speaking my mind? Very doubtful
8512948 52270 Are you sure? Concentrate and ask again
8512947 52270 Will I regret it? Most likely
8512946 48320 Will Midalia’s trabajo work Reply hazy, try again
8512945 48320 Will Midalia’s trabajo work Yes - definitely
8512944 48320 Will Midalia’s trabajo work My reply is no
8512943 48320 Will Midalia’s trabajo work Reply hazy, try again
8512942 48320 Will I move in for good with Kareem Outlook not so good
8512941 48320 Will Kareem tell me to leave his house Count on it
8512940 48320 Will Kareem tell to leave his house Concentrate and ask again
8512939 48320 Does Kareem wants to leave me Yes - definitely
8512938 48320 Will Kareem eventually work things out with me Not in a million years
8512937 48320 Will Kareem eventually work things out with me Not in a million years
8512936 48320 Will today be a good day Yes - definitely
8512935 48320 Will today be a good day Count on it
8512934 48320 Will Kareem and move in for good Most likely
8512933 48320 Will I move in with Kareem Concentrate and ask again
8512932 48320 Will Kareem let me buy a bed for the girls Outlook not so good
8512931 48320 Will he be upset today Outlook good
8512930 48320 Will he be upset today Without a doubt
8512929 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me Very doubtful
8512928 690139 Which one? Yes - definitely
8512927 690139 Are you lying to me? Very doubtful
8512926 690139 will fashion make me happier? It is decidedly so
8512925 690139 will i be happy? It is certain
8512924 690139 Fashion Count on it
8512923 690139 Will I be happy with a career in fashion? My sources say no
8512922 52649 Da li cu poloziti Geografiju Srbije Very doubtful
8512921 52649 Da li cu poloziti milu NO!
8512920 690139 Will I be happy with fashion? NO!
8512919 690139 Will I be happy with medicine? Yes - definitely
8512918 690139 Should I pursue medicine? Outlook good
8512917 690139 Should I pursue fashion? Most likely
8512916 598882 would i be vampire Concentrate and ask again
8512915 598882 would i be vampire please please Concentrate and ask again