the Magic

Will he be upset today

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8512931 48320 Will he be upset today Outlook good
8512930 48320 Will he be upset today Without a doubt
8512929 48320 Will Kareem work things out with me Very doubtful
8512928 690139 Which one? Yes - definitely
8512927 690139 Are you lying to me? Very doubtful
8512926 690139 will fashion make me happier? It is decidedly so
8512925 690139 will i be happy? It is certain
8512924 690139 Fashion Count on it
8512923 690139 Will I be happy with a career in fashion? My sources say no
8512922 52649 Da li cu poloziti Geografiju Srbije Very doubtful
8512921 52649 Da li cu poloziti milu NO!
8512920 690139 Will I be happy with fashion? NO!
8512919 690139 Will I be happy with medicine? Yes - definitely
8512918 690139 Should I pursue medicine? Outlook good
8512917 690139 Should I pursue fashion? Most likely
8512916 598882 would i be vampire Concentrate and ask again
8512915 598882 would i be vampire please please Concentrate and ask again
8512914 598882 has my book been seen? but no one is able to buy it? Outlook not so good
8512913 522560 should i marry him? is he a good guy? As I see it, yes
8512912 522560 am i gonna marry A? It is certain
8512911 522560 m8? will he ever let go? Without a doubt
8512910 522560 i'm okay. I am. i can handle it. Signs point to yes
8512909 522560 if i have a problem i'll call the police. ...but let me go.? Signs point to yes
8512908 522560 i'm not. I'm tough. Without a doubt
8512907 522560 Mr. Power..thinks i'm still fragile huh? Outlook not so good
8512906 522560 okay. she died? As I see it, yes
8512904 522560 okay thank you. I appreciate your support. BUY the book Signs point to yes
8512903 522560 kool then this is over. I want to make money..and sell books Signs point to yes
8512902 522560 they think i witnessed something. don't they? Very doubtful
8512901 522560 DOD? is it them? Outlook not so good
8512900 522560 oh not T. he isn't. But I think someone very powerful is in this. Yes - definitely
8512899 522560 I know...i think the military is involved. Outlook not so good
8512898 522560 you can read between the lines. you understand. Without a doubt
8512897 522560 I know he htiks about TS. she might even know who i am. I just kinda know how he thinks. Reply hazy, try again
8512896 522560 I hope i'm just paranoid. I do. I hope he has NOT been sabotaging me. Outlook good
8512895 522560 i got thick skin. I can handle it. Count on it
8512894 522560 i know...if there are negative reviews. or someone has stalked me. He will know. Count on it
8512893 522560 all i ask. please do NOT sabotage me It is decidedly so
8512892 522560 I don't need his money. I am quite capable of making it on my own. It is decidedly so
8512891 522560 is he rich? very? Outlook good
8512890 522560 does he think i need him? Most likely
8512889 522560 does he believe i am capable of protecting myself? if i had money? Not in a million years
8512888 522560 no one seems capable of challenging him. whoever he is. he is...terrifying Cannot predict now
8512887 522560 okay. can i do anyting to protect myself? NO!
8512886 522560 is he scared i could be hamred? He's stirred nests of hornets? As I see it, yes
8512885 522560 will he EVER let go? Outlook not so good
8512884 522560 will he let me assume some control of my own life? My reply is no
8512883 522560 how about FL? would he be okay with a plan B? It is certain
8512882 522560 I know...CA is out. I know that. I wont' be moving. Yes - definitely
8512881 522560 but can he...loosen the reigns? let me fly? Better not tell you now