the Magic

Magic 8 Ball, will I be able to write tomorrow?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
5709170 2264 Magic 8 Ball, will I be able to write tomorrow? My reply is no
5709099 30158 Should I wait for him to text me It is certain
5708890 34019 monaog nako sa akong sakyanan It is decidedly so
5707948 25774 Is my town's city center development plan economically sound? My reply is no
5707881 33131 Will I find a full time job teaching in 2013? Cannot predict now
5707433 29919 Am i gonna win if i go to bingo tonight Outlook not so good
5706444 12416 will i get a beautiful,purehearted,lakshmikaram, iyer girlfriend within 20 days from now? It is decidedly so
5705635 19477 Everybodys responsa abilty Yes - definitely
5705500 319 Should I go out with Iraina tomorrow night? NO!
5705368 14077 Does kavi stil like someone Not in a million years
5704020 13778 Is the baby im pregnant with Michael Maglones? Yes - definitely
5703752 2174 Will we get a BIG check tomorrow. Not in a million years
5703398 23494 Will Steve O'Neill text me My reply is no
5702887 17288 Will I love Owen again? It is decidedly so
5702568 1195 As mark has got everyone in his pocket It is certain
5702253 23253 U are nacghty Better not tell you now
5702069 4990 mike has gotten over me Ask again later
5701683 21470 Does Blake Sells like Moorea GAilloux? Most likely
5700073 2718 Will I have a placde to live after 60 days? My reply is no
5699118 27737 Is (he) the formetioned Pisces? Most likely
5699108 21942 Will I b fitt for my birthday My reply is no
5698486 6948 Ruby detie Yes - definitely
5696770 23758 is jack too smart for chloe morello? Reply hazy, try again
5696761 23758 is jack too good for chloe morello? My reply is no
5696560 24267 will I be a gutaurist Signs point to yes
5695772 19137 Is jp tell them to come to me ? Cannot predict now
5695021 27737 Have i ever cheatin on him Signs point to yes
5694002 13839 Will he contact me again? Count on it
5693968 1271 will I marry stuart weichsel this year? Better not tell you now
5693723 26589 rev prep? Ask again later
5691996 13786 can i trust glenn chalkley Ask again later
5690829 18569 Wot a fuking name gashie agahahsh Ask again later
5690778 22212 does keley roller get horny over me Outlook not so good
5690537 1814 Does Matt love me? Not in a million years
5690098 22053 will rodney wade patterson call carol again in 2 weeks after his break-up with julia she is married Outlook not so good
5689476 23253 Triple zzxxx It is decidedly so
5689148 3366 abraham akhter murad like to amber khan? Not in a million years
5688387 10581 amber khan want to marriage with abraham akhtar murad? As I see it, yes
5686942 4261 will i date tyler pirritano Cannot predict now
5686818 35104 Is sk in love with ark? Yes
5685933 17739 Should I get my hair cut Better not tell you now
5685504 24460 Is he also seeing a waitress at Denny's? Ask again later
5685179 14336 will i one day be married to Shpresa Gashi? Count on it
5685177 14294 maganda ba si fatima shiena solangon dacaya? Not in a million years
5684893 19137 is jp on his way here now to kiss me? My reply is no
5684525 16374 jfkdsal;alsdkfjdkasl; Outlook not so good
5684519 16374 jfkdlsa;alsdkfjjfdkasl;asldkjfjfdklas; It is certain
5684511 16374 fjkdlas;alsdkjfjfkdlas;alskdfjfjdkasl; It is decidedly so
5684506 16374 fjkdsla;al;skdfjfjkdsla;a;lsdkjf Without a doubt
5684498 16374 fjdkasl;alsdkfjfjdksla;al;sdkfj Without a doubt