the Magic

am I going to get the associate trainer position at Discovery Cove

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
6394032 106168 am I going to get the associate trainer position at Discovery Cove Yes - definitely
6393569 607127 Is scott my soulmate? Better not tell you now
6389839 236072 Will Mike the phone fixer text me this weekend Yes
6388190 463532 Am I a multi-hundred-thousandaire? It is decidedly so
6387710 569210 will beatriz oruna and kevin zirafi at some point become a couple? It is certain
6385975 8565 Did Len discuss me with his dad today My reply is no
6385909 8565 Do Gloria love len Cannot predict now
6385858 802613 okay i figured it might be. am i becoming better at spotting my own mind messing with me and how to alemoriate these problems now that I am not using Signs point to yes
6384121 256912 ytytytytytytytytytytyty Signs point to yes
6383747 98614 Is my filing fine? Without a doubt
6383708 113172 Is hte girl who bumped me on the dance floor bi? Ask again later
6383414 2913 Did charlie block be on growlr Concentrate and ask again
6382662 244929 will james and mara have kids? My reply is no
6382284 18797 does Reggie love me As I see it, yes
6381792 750637 Will Skyler Mascoe contact me within the next 8 hours? My reply is no
6380195 303414 Is ian from badoo going two txt me bk sometime soon My sources say no
6379198 750637 Is Ashley Meuli in love with me? My reply is no
6379126 750637 Will Skyler Mascoe tell me today that she has feelings for me, that she is falling in love with me? Yes
6378700 1046866 Will rajnish chakraborty never talk to me again ever My reply is no
6378644 980831 Has Nate been checking fetlife to see if I messaged him? Yes
6377457 373213 will i ever win the big lotto Reply hazy, try again
6376906 850155 does ryan carnavale like me jadan lafever Signs point to yes
6376797 561834 do I want sushi for lunch Most likely
6376488 327962 will anne housami ever love me again? Cannot predict now
6376434 482867 Do you want to type fighting? and it is not a thing. i want to Cannot predict now
6375644 429686 will i live till 2100 My sources say no
6373542 486415 lan top sikerim senin belani Reply hazy, try again
6372499 65668 Is Ezan a lying sack of potatoes? Signs point to yes
6372145 231623 Will Nathaniel David Carbrey, the accounting major from university at buffalo be close with me and interact with me lovingly in heaven? Reply hazy, try again
6371923 429030 Is raikim canon? Without a doubt
6371712 378062 madhubala ek ishq ek junoon madhu rk divorse after madhu to go dehli madhu to be actress NO!
6368620 523074 will I marry him? Count on it
6367387 84646 Wow your a psychic ball;). I am noelle leanne on facebook, hugs. Lol Ask again later
6365496 101246 shud i do webteases firts? My sources say no
6364724 15413 Watch this! Watch this1 WHEN i ask 8 ball if he's stupid, guess what he says! No, but you are!
6364686 227140 Will I win the Florida lottery tonight? Outlook not so good
6364676 380972 Should I keep talking to him? It is certain
6364542 497831 am i smart Outlook not so good
6364486 396831 i am wear to show my tummy on leghenge zeehani somani Count on it
6361761 716827 okay whatever Cannot predict now
6358828 84646 Im noelle leanne on facebookand twitter. Add me =) or follow =) Count on it
6356501 783930 is zully iturbide going to be rich and famouse with nicole tepo My reply is no
6356467 675656 should I consult a psychic in regards to Shannon purton and kevan leslie's relatioship It is certain
6354471 1044466 Is uncle dave going to cheat on my aunt jenn again It is certain
6353635 786559 is this a2 Very doubtful
6353128 971006 is alexa pregnate right now? It is decidedly so
6352795 37124 is aryan dumb? Yes - definitely
6352134 147898 willrodney seecarolyn on sataug17th Signs point to yes
6350137 1025889 doe Kelly roft exist from washington new jersey As I see it, yes
6350136 1025889 does Kelly roft exist My reply is no