the Magic

Is he still interested in me?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
6463525 945478 Is he still interested in me? My reply is no
6463524 945478 If I play it cool will i get him bk? Reply hazy, try again
6463523 870245 Computer ses no... cough!!! Not in a million years
6463521 985580 Will we be truly happy in our new home? Ask again later
6463520 945478 Will he be cool with me tomorrow night? Outlook not so good
6463514 870245 Oh give the game away y dont ya Cannot predict now
6463513 254963 have he been thinking about me today? Without a doubt
6463502 883807 Was Andy happy to see me today? Concentrate and ask again
6463497 985580 Is he going to do a job in Bangkok? Yes - definitely
6463397 456505 Will I go to KMS tomorrow? Yes
6463341 285770 Will I have a healthy baby Not in a million years
6460528 870245 Willy jizziz in me every single time Concentrate and ask again
6458497 247864 Ah ah ah ah stayin alive Cannot predict now
6457699 431182 Is Cassandra jl using Sebjr? It is decidedly so
6457304 247864 I am a emue killa Very doubtful
6455283 427825 should i just do my homework tommorw? It is decidedly so
6454412 247864 Am I a secret lezbian Yes
6452608 845332 Does Cassandra jl think of Sebjr offten? Better not tell you now
6451232 322128 Are you Vriska? Yes
6451202 985569 Does my feyoncay love me more than hez loved any1 else b4 My sources say no
6451180 985569 Are my doubts justified As I see it, yes
6451148 293548 Did you flachulate Yes
6448189 959230 Does my feoncay want to make me his wife Ask again later
6447638 330130 we're me and gio ment to be? Reply hazy, try again
6447375 134463 is my new love going to be deaf? Cannot predict now
6447316 78644 Did I commit on robert Gutierrez sister My reply is no
6447267 342517 Does jeff joiner love rhonda williams? Most likely
6447263 923763 am I going to find my car keys Without a doubt
6446585 574644 Will I win the nort star cash jackpot to night Outlook not so good
6445958 504826 Will kristy get the job? It is decidedly so
6445923 149585 Little shroo needs to aproach me with a sweet smile and redeam his self for bein like a rat to me instead of little shroo Reply hazy, try again
6445856 141863 Am I an idiot? Cannot predict now
6440391 667840 Are Marty Strech and McKayla Maroney Dating? My sources say no
6440159 649743 Will a reply back come from Jennifer Goebel this week in the mail? Very doubtful
6439596 399179 maria da graca mello's real name is maria camila sanabria quevedo? As I see it, yes
6437050 139079 Will I get a full time job teaching? Most likely
6435805 685550 So Cassandra jl is being faithful to Sebjr? Concentrate and ask again
6435380 738097 So Cassandra jl is being faithful to Sebjr? My reply is no
6433810 592730 Will i get the job tomorrow My reply is no
6432852 1016464 Will i see swapna naked? Count on it
6432722 497831 Do my problems hava a solvation Yes
6432567 772917 is harem gem sicat loves me? Ask again later
6432287 407963 jenny phun her family was spying on jane taing? Cannot predict now
6431595 916384 does wonga dolls really work Signs point to yes
6431282 761668 Does ciara neilson still have feelings for me Count on it
6430868 154216 reddit - is it fun It is decidedly so
6430584 647277 david mandel love lezleigh picot My reply is no
6430562 98797 am i pregnant? Signs point to yes
6430547 496271 Will I get the locum job? Better not tell you now
6430546 496271 Does Dane cole-clark like me? Yes