the Magic

wanna mascurbate?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
6599860 23129 wanna mascurbate? It is decidedly so
6597635 268034 will I marry Terry next year? Count on it
6594523 882857 dose carly heffey hate millie heffey Signs point to yes
6594146 714506 is josh motsepe going to divorce violet motsepe My sources say no
6594013 742072 Will my powers awaken with the next three months? Concentrate and ask again
6593988 1032458 rachna get new job fashion deginer compeny meet new guy enter armav sapane suhane lapkan ke very soon As I see it, yes
6593580 965106 Ben Emre miyim? Most likely
6591604 117520 Is it tho Very doubtful
6590508 874110 did judge mallette richey approve my ssi case? NO!
6587839 190470 Really Jason kotch's woman he is dating likes the artist necro he plays on his cd in the car Very doubtful
6587382 475536 did they think i am a pervert for wearing the gold thong bikini Count on it
6587038 363554 Iqbal khan marriage with neha bamb can happen Without a doubt
6586124 62763 Is ray6199163 better than Rockkid20 at Hide and seek? It is certain
6585793 1012096 Does JP want to be with me? Count on it
6585458 570152 a kakvo e hui Not in a million years
6585275 973722 is mika reyes has crush on jeron teng As I see it, yes
6585098 750361 Mala ghataspot hava ahe My reply is no
6584870 35160 xgxxx Outlook good
6584279 798019 Did Gary mcglues marriage breakup with tarnia mcglue Outlook not so good
6583666 4472 Is that guy still instreded in my car NO!
6583619 75265 Will i pass my exam next month? It is decidedly so
6583388 1032458 sanaya irani replce neha bamb new show color very soon It is decidedly so
6583159 378906 Will Deven bhalla and I have a future together? Most likely
6582477 1033765 Will Yva Kavangh marry serge sylaire Outlook good
6581671 223553 Will my man gobble my feets up! As I see it, yes
6581634 255023 will I get to see DB naked? Reply hazy, try again
6581607 570692 Does Allie Pritts like Lliam patch It is decidedly so
6581490 131520 should i inbox? My sources say no
6580523 17334 will braden get a dirvers lisencese My sources say no
6579722 958911 Does he care about each team member individually As I see it, yes
6578071 515209 Does she like me after last week Count on it
6578044 1023825 Should I just ignore it? Not in a million years
6578036 532427 Does Alan love me? It is certain
6577582 430309 Will I get the loan with a guaranture Very doubtful
6577569 420478 Is he screwong her without condom Yes - definitely
6576860 925460 jkl;kio Not in a million years
6575721 494920 is stephanie a fanny muncher Signs point to yes
6574990 228645 Does Jeff Joiner want to be with Rhonda Williams as a couple In love with each other? Reply hazy, try again
6573703 840474 Does Luke love me? My sources say no
6573610 259953 Will Zac Efron marry me? Without a doubt
6572271 1032178 Bf leve Not in a million years
6569335 996862 Dali cemo ja tanja romanovic i dejan kavedzic ikad biti zajedno? Outlook not so good
6569089 390947 Does levi love me Yes
6568879 891663 Im having a baby boy Not in a million years
6568683 459020 Today's matka namber My sources say no
6568656 584322 Should I have partied while I still had the chance? My sources say no
6567431 1598 Is Felicia humping a pillow? Most likely
6565632 904040 Should I be punished for being a sad pervert Very doubtful
6564115 838275 wibps? Reply hazy, try again
6564063 162145 Am I pregnant? Not in a million years