the Magic

charlene appleby cheats on liam catterson

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
7224282 964469 charlene appleby cheats on liam catterson It is certain
7223199 142587 Is Sajeda Hansdot a sap? Yes - definitely
7223092 193221 Does she consider me a friend? Without a doubt
7223088 965723 Will Lucretia give me a hsndjob soon? Count on it
7223069 143578 Will Chris get into med school this year? It is decidedly so
7222959 501762 jgnbvchgdgfxdbfcb, Yes - definitely
7222312 842240 will i get pregnate if we do try Yes - definitely
7221275 377436 Will bitcoin make me a millionaire? Signs point to yes
7221270 989501 ndrn uyens? Without a doubt
7221141 737653 will bitcoin go back to $1000.00 any time soon Not in a million years
7220733 97709 Will I get my private pilots license? My sources say no
7220634 782994 dali sum bremena Outlook good
7220102 319148 Should I suit up in my rubber catsuit tonight? My reply is no
7219412 783080 Should I txt him Outlook not so good
7219386 1001631 should I ask Rhonda to have dinner Friday Outlook not so good
7219273 9827 Kiss me you fool..or lose me forever!!! Outlook good
7218192 262146 Will Josh miss me so badly that he will text me r Most likely
7217935 596921 Will I win a Lottery Jackpot this year? Yes - definitely
7217447 420178 Mary Is thinking a lot about me. Lately Not in a million years
7217383 9827 i smell like vanilla angel girl It is decidedly so
7216677 308868 She was thinking He will bang her tonight As I see it, yes
7216244 300680 Are you kidding? Ask again later
7216095 476512 Does my mom talk bad about me to other people when I am not around It is decidedly so
7215949 513867 Is xara Beatrice matsagou still alive? Signs point to yes
7215378 489436 if i concentrate does he feel me thinking of him NO!
7214955 898614 will corey kertson and tara clark go on a date? Not in a million years
7214864 1029043 will get married to kamakshi saklani Signs point to yes
7214625 932273 what is the grociest thing I have ever eaten? Better not tell you now
7212150 755125 Do thi number 3, 4, 5. 14. 23 wil win the creece power ball to nihgt Yes - definitely
7211775 720389 Kal dile me satta kay aega Yes
7211773 720389 Kal satta kaya aega My reply is no
7211770 641377 Has Enoch hooked up with an other girl from fetlife? Very doubtful
7211765 852065 Or should player 2 go first Outlook not so good
7211745 784076 Will I be in jail for along time? NO!
7210903 180306 Will Aaliya dump me? Without a doubt
7210028 733863 Does maryam kenning in like me My sources say no
7209947 266826 Will there be a cold day tomorrow It is certain
7209830 742976 Hail hydra Ask again later
7209482 984557 does kl sr have feelings for ac? Not in a million years
7208926 98708 am I going to win UK lunchtime today? NO!
7208922 98708 pls I Ned three or four numbers accurate for uk49 lunchtime 10/3/27, and 10/3/43/19 which one of them pls? Concentrate and ask again
7208187 596921 Will God surprise and bless me to win the entire Mega Millions Jackpot tomorrow night or not? Yes - definitely
7208013 356431 Will I get the chance to date Valerie kithcart As I see it, yes
7207831 453091 Greetings? Cannot predict now
7207755 204938 Kal desawar me satta number kya ayega Not in a million years
7207754 574822 can I poop on nathan's head please? Better not tell you now
7207749 402993 Will many Regular Women Become my Close Friend with Benefits Yes - definitely
7207743 137049 Will she watch the movie with me My reply is no
7207738 205637 Will my lawyers Secretary be in a dress this morning As I see it, yes
7207734 557575 Will we sleep together Concentrate and ask again